Faculty are the lifeblood of a law school. Their interests and expertise largely dictate the direction of an institution. At the University of Georgia School of Law - where we are redefining what it means to be a great national public institution - you will find a vibrant, stimulating and exciting learning environment driven by an accomplished corps of superior teachers, experienced legal practitioners, and internationally recognized scholars.

While some law schools choose to emphasize either scholarship or teaching, our law school seeks to balance the two, firmly believing that classroom teaching is enhanced by scholarly expertise. Most professors maintain an open door policy - whenever they are in the office, they are available to answer students' questions about classroom concerns, career advice or personal matters.

Of our law school's tenure track faculty, 20 senior members hold prestigious chaired or named professorships. Their expertise is expanded by the addition of outstanding adjuncts, whose ranks include leading attorneys from the region's most powerful firms, international lawyers, judges and government leaders.

School of Law Faculty Directory