Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:
Professor Pamela Foohey presented Debt’s Grip: Risk and Consumer Bankruptcy (forthcoming by the University of California Press) at the State Bar of Georgia Consumer and Business Bankruptcy Institute in December.
Associate Dean, University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues published "Intermediaries and Differentiated Voting” in 26 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 1180 (2024).
Assistant Professor Desirée LeClercq's article "Labor Strife And Peace"(forthcoming in the UC Irvine Law Review) was reviewed by Joseph Slater in JOTWELL (Dec. 10, 2024). In "Strife, Labor , Peace, and Returning NLRA Section 7 Law to its Original Purpose," Slater says LeClercq's article is "impressive, thorough, original, and convincing."
Regents' Professor of International Law & Woodruff Chair in International Law Diane Marie Amann presented “Child-Taking Justice and Forced Residential-Schooling of Indigenous Peoples” hosted by the Centre for Human Rights at Queen’s University Belfast School of Law in Northern Ireland during November.
Cleveland Distinguished Chair Nathan S. Chapman was featured in Columns regarding his research into civil religion and the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The article titled "Law professor preaches the merits of mutual respect" was written by Adam W. Wynn and published 12/8/24.