mason picName: Andrew D. Mason
Age: 25
Hometown: Cartersville, Georgia
Expected graduation year: 2015
Georgia Law achievements and awards: 2014 American Counsel Association Stanley Cohn/James Dorsett Scholarship, 2014 Sherwood and Janet Roberts Blue Memorial Scholarship, Fall 2012 CALI Award for Excellent Achievement in the Study of Criminal Law
Georgia Law extracurricular activities: Georgia Law Review, Phi Alpha Delta, Student Bar Association
Other degree / institution / year: B.A. / Kennesaw State University / 2011

1.What did you do before attending law school?
After high school, I joined the U.S. Navy Reserve, and I have been serving for seven years. Following a year of training, I started undergrad and rolled right into law school after graduation.

2. Why did you choose to attend the University of Georgia School of Law?
UGA offers a great legal education for an incredible value. And I knew the alumni network would be an invaluable resource when it came time to find a job. Plus, I wanted to experience three falls' worth of Saturdays in Athens.

3. What are your plans after graduation?
I will be moving to New York to work in the litigation department of a firm in Manhattan.

4. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Wow. That's the $64,000 question. I guess I will have a ten-year-old daughter by then. That's crazy to think about right now. I'm not sure if we'll be in Atlanta or New York. You never know where life will take you, and I will explore whatever opportunities come my way. I would love to be in a law firm, a prosecutor's office or the SEC.

5. Thus far, what is your most memorable experience from your time at Georgia Law?
That would have to be the last day of contracts class the fall semester of our 1L year. We were all shuffling out of the classroom, dreading our first exams as law students. I stayed behind because I wanted to shake Professor Coenen's hand and thank him for teaching us. As he was shaking my hand, in his Wisconsin accent he said, "Mr. Mason, you have extraordinary potential." I'll never forget that moment. That first semester, everyone feels like a complete idiot, and nobody knows if they will succeed in law school. Those words made me realize that I belonged here; that I could not only succeed, but also thrive as a law student. We never think about how the little things we do can have such a great impact on the people around us. I don't know where I would be or where I would be headed if I hadn't waited to shake Professor Coenen's hand that day, and I am so incredibly grateful for that experience.

6. What are your hobbies?
I enjoy spending time with my wife and daughter. I love movies and television. I'm a huge sports fan. I love Braves baseball, Georgia football and Tottenham Hotspur in the Premier League.

7. If you could share an afternoon with anyone, with whom would you choose to spend it?
My wife and daughter.

8. Where is your favorite place to study? Why?
I like to study at my desk at home. It's nice and quiet at my apartment, and it's definitely easier to concentrate when I'm at home.

9. What are two things you always have to have with you when you study?
I have to have plenty of water and my movie score playlist on Spotify.

10. What do you like most about living in Athens?
Football Saturdays. I've made so many great memories in Sanford Stadium and even more at the SBA tailgates.

11. What do you do to handle the stress of law school?
I really don't stress out much. I guess it's mostly because I always feel prepared. If you manage your time wisely, there is no reason to stress out. It can be hard to balance home life and school, but I've done my best to make time to spend with my wife.

12. What would you consider your greatest accomplishment in life?
I was the first person in my family to graduate from college, so that was a really big deal back home. But now I'm about to graduate from law school, so I think that'll probably replace graduating from undergrad as my greatest accomplishment. I hope that I continue to accomplish bigger and better things as I continue my legal career.

13. What is your favorite place on campus? Why?
Sanford Stadium. Is an explanation really necessary?