B.S., Eastern Illinois University
J.D., University of Illinois
M.S.L.S., University of Illinois at Urbana
E. Ann Puckett, former professor and director of the University of Georgia School of Law Alexander Campbell King Law Library retired July 2010 after nearly 16 years of service at the law school.
Puckett joined the UGA law faculty in 1994. In addition to her expertise in library management, she also offered a seminar to students on law and disability.
She maintained a national survey of law school computing services staffing (in which 159 law schools participated) and updated the results on the Web monthly. She published "Space and Cyberspace in Large Law Libraries" in Trends in Law Library Management and Technology (1996). In addition, she is the author of Uniform Commercial Code: Confidential Drafts (with Elizabeth S. Kelly, 10v., 1995), which was selected in 2006 to be included in Hein Online.
A nationally recognized leader in law library management, Puckett has served as an executive board member of the American Association of Law Libraries. She has also made numerous presentations on library management, legal research methodology, trends in research technology, and law and disability. In 2009, Puckett was named the recipient of the most prestigious award presented by the AALL, the Marian Gould Gallagher Distinguished Service Award, which is given annually by the association in recognition of outstanding, extended and sustained service to law librarianship and to the AALL.
She has been a faculty fellow in UGA's Institute on Human Development and Disability. Puckett helped research the briefs for the plaintiffs and amici in Olmstead v. L.C., 527 U.S. 581 (1999), in which the U.S. Supreme Court determined that mentally disabled persons are entitled to treatment in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs. She also served on the governing board of Georgia Options in Community Living.
Puckett earned a bachelor's degree from Eastern Illinois University and her law degree and master's degree in library science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She taught English in high schools in Illinois and Colorado for nearly a decade before determining that her niche was law. She served as a law librarian at the University of Kansas from 1977 to 1978, at Southern Illinois University from 1978 to 1983 and at Northwestern University from 1983 to 1987. In 1987, she became director of the law library and professor at South Texas College of Law, where she remained until joining the UGA faculty in 1994.
Academic Law Library Directors' Law School Courses (May 2004)
Bibliography of Law Review Articles on Disability Law
Staffing for Law School Computing Services (July 2006)
One of the Perfect People, 107 L. Libr. J. 156 (2015).
How Potential Employers Approach Disability: A Survey of Law Students in Georgia, 69 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 509 (2008).
"Shortcuts: Print Resources That Save Time," in Cost Effective Legal Research. (Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia, 1997).
Space and Cyberspace in Large Law Libraries, Trends L. Libr. Mgmt. & Tech., Mar. 1996, at 1.
Managing as Leader, 1992 Trends L. Libr. Mgmt. & Tech. 1.
Lexis and Westlaw Pricing: Survey of Academic Law Library Directors, II ALL-SIS Newsl., Winter 1990, at 2.
Commentary: The Egalitarian Fallacy, 81 L. Libr. J. 343 (1989).
The Process of Legal Research, Reasoning & Res. Newl. (AALS Section on Legal Writing), October 1986, at 12.
How to Find the Law: 8th ed., 12 Int'l J. Leg. Info. 141 (1984) (with Irene Berkey and George S. Grossman).
How to Register a Copyright and Protect Your Creative Work, VIII L. Books in Rev., No. 3 1981, at 13.
Legal Thesaurus, Choice, May 1981, at 1230.
Uniform Commercial Code: Confidential Drafts. (Fred B. Rothman & Co., 1993) (with Elizabeth Slusser Kelly).
Uniform Commercial Code: General Bibliography, 1977-1991: Derived with Permission from Bibliographies published in the Commercial Law Journal. (Ann Puckett, 1992).
Union List: State Administrative Codes and Registers in Texas Law Libraries. (1988) (compiled for Texas Association of Law Libraries; copy available from compiler).
Southern Illinois University School of Law Library Guide, (Southern Illinois University School of Law, 1982).
Comparative Negligence: A Compilation of State Laws and Ten-Year Bibliography (Southern Illinois University School of Law Library, 1981) (originally available for Illinois State Bar Association; copy now available from compiler).
Legal and Law-Related Service Agencies in Southern Illinois: March 1980, (Southern Illinois University School of Law Library, 1980) (copy now available from compiler).
"General Comments and Recommendations on the Law Libraries" in An Evaluation of System-Provided Library Services to State Correctional Centers in Illinois. (Illinois State Library, 1983).
"The Legal Framework for Prison Libraries" in An Evaluation of System-Provided Library Services to State Correctional Centers in Illinois. (Illinois State Library, 1983).