Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:
Associate Dean, University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues was invited to join the academic advisory board of the Institute for Law and Economic Policy. The ILEP is a nonprofit organization that seeks to preserve and improve investor and consumer access to the civil justice system by conducting public policy research and organizing symposia on topics such as class actions, securities law, corporate governance and consumer protection.
Assistant Professor Thomas E. Kadri published "Brokered Abuse" in Media and Society After Technological Disruption (K. Langvardt and J. Hurwitz eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2024).
Associate Dean & Martin Chair of Law Andrea L. Dennis' book Rap on Trial was featured on Law.com regarding the use of rap lyrics as evidence in criminal trials. The article titled "Rhyme and Reason: The Legal and Ethical Challenges of Using Rap Lyrics as Evidence" was written by the New Jersey Law Journal Young Lawyers Advisory Board and published 7/9/24.
Assistant Professor Adam D. Orford was featured in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding the operations of the Greenfuels Energy company. The article titled "String of environmental violations raises concerns about firm linked to Okefenokee mine project" was written by Dylan Jackson and Drew Khan and was published 7/15/24.
Assistant Professor Assaf Harpaz presented his draft paper "Global Tax Wars and the Shift to Source-Based Taxation" and chaired the "Jurisprudence and Enforcement" panel at the 8th International Roundtable On Taxation And Tax Policy during July.