Undergraduate Minor in the Law, Jurisprudence and the State
Applications open between February 25 to March 18
As one of the nation's top law schools, the University of Georgia School of Law provides a world-class, hands-on, purpose-driven educational experience and now offers an undergraduate minor to help students better understand how the law works, how the law matters, and how it can be used to create a career that makes a difference.
The curriculum is specifically designed for UGA undergraduate students, with classes taught by some of the same law professors who teach the School of Law's Juris Doctor students. These award-winning professors will help you learn how lawyers use the law to bring justice to their clients and society.
The Minor in Law, Jurisprudence, and the State has built in flexibility so you can integrate your legal studies with your other academic interests and course of study. You can build your own version of the minor with a variety of classes at the law school - from trial practice to international law or legal history. You can also satisfy the minor's requirements with classes from over 20 different colleges and departments across the university.
If you are headed to law school, you can prepare yourself by taking law classes from full-time law professors, but this minor is not just for aspiring lawyers. Understanding the operation of law and its effects are important to an enormous number of careers. Politicians, business leaders, journalists, activists, counselors and others can all benefit from learning how legal professionals analyze problems and how their analysis can shape the economy, politics, society and culture. Ultimately, this minor extends the School of Law's commitment to educating not just the next generation of lawyers but the next generation of leaders for state and society. We hope you will join us.
Undergraduate School of Law Courses
How the Program Works
The Minor in Law, Jurisprudence, and the State will prepare UGA students to be leaders in their communities by providing them an enhanced understanding of the connections between law, society, citizenship and democracy and by sharpening their critical thinking skills. It will benefit those intending to go to law school, while also providing a competitive advantage for those seeking careers where the understanding of the operation and effects of the legal system is important, but where the actual jobs do not require a Juris Doctor.
Completion of the Minor in Law, Jurisprudence, and the State will require 15 total hours, comprised of:
Two required courses (6 hours total) taught by School of Law faculty:
- Foundations of American Law (JURI 3233-3233D or JURI 3233E-3233D) (3 hours)
- Law, Justice, and the State (JURI 2990-2990D) (3 hours)
Three elective courses (9 hours total) taught by School of Law faculty or other UGA units.
- Students must complete one course from each of the following categories:
The Minor in Law, Jurisprudence, and the State is designed to help students better understand how the law works, how the law matters, and how it can be used to create a career that makes a difference. The program allows students to take classes with some of the same professors who teach UGA’s Juris Doctor students and integrate those legal studies with their other academic and professional interests. It thus offers a unique opportunity for students interested in a legal career, as well as students who plan to take other career paths but recognize the importance the law plays through society.
Here are a few comments that reflect the response of our students:
“The Law, Jurisprudence and the State minor completely transformed my career path here at UGA! Each course includes experienced law professors and a unique classroom atmosphere mirroring law school. As an incoming first-generation law student, the minor provided valuable resources and access to the legal community. The classes connected me with UGA Law professors who guided me through the application process and answered any questions I had about law school. If you're interested in law school, this minor is definitely for you!”
“The [Foundations of American Law] course was challenging, and intimidating at times, but it has been the most valuable experience for me as I entered into law school [at Harvard University]. I truly feel as though nothing could have prepared me more for entering into law school. Just having experience with reading cases and having a survey of the courses that I would be taking this year has been incredibly helpful (especially as I am coming from a STEM background). Thank you for all the hard work you put into teaching your students, we really appreciate it.”
“The courses under the UGA Law school undergraduate minor undeniably gave me a distinct advantage in law school. The required courses, both taught by UGA law professors, feel like law school and simulate what law classes are truly like. The skills worked on in the course, namely reading cases and making an argument, are paramount for law school students and I cannot recommend the minor enough to undergraduate students who believe they want to attend law school. Paired with the UGA ‘Pre-Law’ program, the courses are a strong foundation for law students.”
“Since I started at UGA, I had no idea what I wanted to major in. I have always had a passion for fairness and been interested in crime but never knew how I wanted to use those passions, so I was undecided. For the last year I have taken what feels like every single intro class UGA offers to see what sparked my interest but never found something that I was super passionate about until taking your class. Because of how much I have enjoyed your class (from the content to the way you teach) I just recently declared a double major in sociology and intended CJ and I am planning on applying to the law minor. I know you mostly teach in the law school but I just wanted you to know how much of an impact this class, and you as a professor, have played in my decision to declare my major!”
“The legal subject matter and style of the class are obvious contributors to this preparation, but it was really the way the class pushed me outside of my comfort zone that prepared me most. Not only did the class push me to think about the material in a different way than I had before, but also the structure of the class gave me the confidence in myself to know that I could successfully construct an argument and defend it, no matter how nervous I felt.”
“I am in your Law, Justice, and the State class. I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for being one of the highlights of my college career. Your enthusiasm every day about the material and your genuine desire for your students to have all the facts yet still walk away with their own informed opinions is, in my experience, unmatched at UGA. You have impacted my view on how law works, how the US doing, and what I can do to help. I am graduating this year and can confidently say that your class has been the most enjoyable and impactful, and I would recommend it to anyone, no matter their intended career path. So thank you very much!”
The Minor in Law, Jurisprudence, and the State is a high-demand minor, which means that the number of students who may take the minor is limited. Students may apply for admission only upon meeting entrance eligibility requirements. Even if all eligibility requirements are met, admission is not guaranteed.
To qualify for the minor, you must:
- be a current UGA undergraduate,
- have a minimum 12 UGA (institutional) credit hours (grades posted)
- have a minimum cumulative GPA at UGA of 3.2, and
- have fulfilled the UGA general education U.S. Constitution requirement, either by passing the required examination or by completing a course that provides an exemption.
Fulfillment of these application requirements must be documented in a UGA student record when the application is submitted--no exceptions.
To apply for admission to the minor, a student must also submit:
- the grade in the class used to satisfy the UGA general education U.S. Constitution requirement, if available, and
- a personal statement of no more than 600 words that explains why you hope to minor in Law, Jurisprudence, and the State.
When applications open a link will be provided on this webpage.
Application Dates
Applications will open on February 26 and close on March 18 of 2024.
Fall 2024 Applications will open September 2nd and close September 16th.
Spring 2025 applications will be accepted between February 25 and March 18.
For more details, please click “How to Apply” above.
NOTE: Applications for the Undergraduate Fellowship will also open between February 25 and March 18. You may apply for the Fellowship at the same time you apply for admission to the minor. We also welcome applications for the Fellowship from students already in the minor.
For more details, please click “Undergraduate Fellowship Information” below.
Email lawminor@uga.edu