• Contracts for M.S.L. Students, JURI 6502E, Credit Hours: 3

    An introduction to the law of legally enforceable promises under Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code and the common law. Among other topics, the course considers offers and their acceptance; consideration, formalities, and promissory estoppel; the parole evidence rule and the statute of frauds; third-party enforcement; material breach of contract; and damages. Students are expected to be able to explain in writing how these and additional legal issues under the UCC and the common law apply to various complex factual scenarios.

  • Accounting and Finance for Lawyers, JURI 4384, Credit Hours: 2

    This class is designed for law students who have little or no prior experience with accounting or finance course work, and it is intended to provide a general understanding of the basic accounting and finance information needed to make economic decisions about businesses. The course has three parts, with part 1 providing an introduction to accounting and the fundamentals of a general set of financial statements including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, as well as the process followed to create financial statements and basics of financial statement analysis. Part 2 will cover the principles of finance and valuation including the cost of using money, assessing risk and return, valuation basics, and economics of the firm. Part 3 will cover financial instruments (debt, equity, and derivatives), capital markets, and corporate transactions. The class is not designed to make you an expert accountant or finance professional, but it should enable you to 1) make intelligent use of accounting and financial information, and 2) raise appropriate questions about the accounting and financial information developed by the experts in your company. Students who take this course may not take Business Basics, and vice versa.

  • Administrative Law, JURI 4320, Credit Hours: 3

    A study of law controlling federal administrative action. Along with constitutional restraints and relationships among agencies and the constitutional branches, student is asked to consider statutory and judicially formulated rules for the administrative adjudicative and rulemaking process. Control over administrative discretion and enforced accountability are major themes. Attention is devoted primarily to the federal Administrative Procedure Act and, to a much more limited extent, state process and state Administrative Procedure Acts.

  • ADR in the Workplace, JURI 5736E, Credit Hours: 3, Prerequisite: JURI 4211 or JURI 5975 or permission of instructor

    This course will cover skills and systems for conflict management in the workplace and will prepare participants to use dispute resolution skills and design dispute resolution systems within the workplace. It will teach participants how to prevent conflict when appropriate, manage conflict when it arises, empower stakeholders, and channel interpersonal interactions in constructive directions. Recognizing that conflict arises in different kinds of workplaces and industries, it will include material from a broad spectrum of fields.

  • ADR in the Workplace, JURI 5736, Credit Hours: 3

    Skills and systems for conflict management in the workplace will prepare participants to use dispute resolution skills and design dispute resolution systems within the workplace. Participants will learn how to prevent conflict when appropriate, manage conflict when it arises, and empower stakeholders.

  • Advanced Corporations, JURI 5590, Credit Hours: 1, Prerequisite:

    JURI 4210

    Part one of the course explores the question of who should make corporate law. Specifically, we will discuss scholarly theories addressing whether the states or the federal government would best regulate corporate matters, and explaining Delaware's prominence in corporate law. Part two examines Delaware statutory and judicial corporate law. We will discuss the inner workings of expedited and summary litigation, problems in the organization and functioning of a corporation (focusing on management and control), and mergers and transfers of control (including hostile acquisitions, tender offers, going private transactions, and defensive tactics). Part three provides hands on experience in litigating corporate cases. Students will participate in two oral arguments as advocates and judges. Grades in this course will be based on a take home written exam that focuses on the course materials and class lectures. Class attendance and participation are required.

  • Advanced Dispute Resolution Systems Design, JURI 5731, Credit Hours: 3, Prerequisite: JURI 5975 or JURI 5736E, or permission of instructor.

    This course will cover the systemic analysis and design of dispute resolution processes, with a focus on large-scale and complex settings. Participants will survey various approaches to disputes, including facilitative, evaluative, transformative, and restorative practices. Topics will include problems of scale and methods for scaling the role of neutral parties, as well as case studies drawn from settings such as corporations, healthcare, entrepreneurship, community organizations, higher education, bankruptcy, and post-disaster relief.

  • Advanced Evidence Seminar, JURI 5980, Credit Hours: 2

    This course will focus in-depth on expert witness testimony, covering a variety of possible subjects of expert testimony.  Traditional topics, problematic subjects, and emerging areas for expert testimony will be covered.  Students will gain an understanding of when expert testimony might be needed, qualifications for expert witnesses, and evaluating the credibility of expertise.

  • Advanced Family Law, JURI 5333, Credit Hours: 2, Prerequisite: JURI 5330 or JURI 5140S

    This course builds on students’ knowledge of foundational family law concepts by providing an in-depth exploration of current and emerging trends affecting family structure, children, and legal responsibilities between persons in intimate relationships.

  • Advanced Legal Research, JURI 4085, Credit Hours: 1 or 2
    • 2 Credit Hour Version:
      • This course will build upon research skills acquired in first year Legal Research and Writing classes by offering students an advanced exploration of legal research tools. The course will cover primary and secondary legal sources, advanced searching skills, topical research, internet resources and non-law resources.
    • 1 Credit Hour Version: (taught by Sarah Slinger)
      • This course will build upon research skills acquired in first year Legal Research and Writing classes by offering students an advanced exploration of legal research tools.  In Spring 2025, this course will focus on administrative law research skills, examining agencies/powers, state/federal regulatory processes, organization of administrative law materials, and a variety of sources of administrative law. There is no focus on one specific subject area/agency; the objective is for students to understand administrative law resources and research process generally.
  • Advanced Legal Writing Seminar, JURI 4160, Credit Hours: 2

    Provides advanced instruction in legal research and legal writing.  In Spring 2025, this class is an introduction to law firm life.  Students will learn how to work a litigation case by preparing for an initial client meeting, chasing down and interviewing witnesses, conducting discovery, drafting pleadings, and engaging in motion practice leading up to trial.  A big focus will be on professionalism and how to act with clients, colleagues, and the bench. And of course there will be writing.

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Survey, JURI 5735, Credit Hours: 3

    This is a survey course of dispute resolution processes that do not directly involve litigation - primarily negotiation, mediation and arbitration. Classes provide an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of each process and an opportunity for student participation in each process. The course will also address process related ethical considerations. Negotiation and mediation portions of the class will focus more on the problem solving "integrative" approach rather than the "distributive" [zero-sum or competitive] approach. The arbitration portion will generally focus on U.S. commercial arbitration processes under the Federal Arbitration Act [FAA] and primarily commercial "provider rules", published by the American Arbitration Association.

  • Antitrust Law, JURI 4340, Credit Hours: 3

    When can producers cooperate, and when must they compete? Is the NFL--or NCAA--a beneficial collaboration, a consumer-harming cartel, or a hybrid of both? Antitrust law, born in the shadow of the Second Industrial Revolution's titanic steel and oil companies, provides answers to questions such as these. The course explores the evolution of this common-law-like statutory regime, in which courts strike a dynamic balance among disparate policies, including consumer protection, allocative efficiency, and the innovation-spurring rewards of monopoly. Using major cases and enforcement-agency pronouncements, we make reasoned assessments of the probable legality of assorted business practices in varied sectors, from sports leagues to software firms, and from mining to medical care. A few basics of economic reasoning routinely appear in the cases and commentaries, so we devote some attention to them; but have no fear, it's straightforward stuff.

  • Antitrust Law and Policy Seminar, JURI 4341, Credit Hours: 2, Prerequisite: 4340

    This course covers advanced topics in modern antitrust law and policy, focusing on recent Supreme Court decisions and developments at the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice Antitrust Division. Selected topics include dominant firms and exclusionary conduct, monopsony power, mergers and acquisitions, antitrust immunity, Noerr-Pennington doctrine and state action, platform economies, and the intersection of antitrust law with intellectual property. This course includes a writing component, which fulfills the capstone requirement.

  • Appellate Advocacy, JURI 4150, Credit Hours: 2

    This course is designed to help students become successful appellate advocates. Students will be presented with a hypothetical appellate problem from which they will prepare a brief and oral argument. Each student must select (or be assigned) a teammate for the brief writing and oral argument components of the course. For sections participating in the fall intramural moot court competition, the briefs will be posted for all second and third year students who wish to compete. 

  • Appellate Advocacy Clinic I, II and Summer, JURI 4155S (I Course), 4156S (II Course), 4157S (Summer), Credit Hours: I and II are each 3 credit hours and Summer is 2 credit hours

    I & II

    This clinic is designed to train students to be appellate litigators. It is a year-long clinic. Credit for the first semester generally requires participation in the second semester. It is open only to third year law students. Students will get three credits for each semester, and the class will meet for one two-hour seminar per week. The first semester will be pass/fail, and the second semester will have the traditional grading system. The clinic will essentially operate as a small firm and will accept clients with cases before both federal circuit courts of appeals and the Board of Immigration Appeals. Students will work in teams of two or three to review the record of the case, identify the issues that should be raised in the appeal, draft the briefs (both opening brief and reply brief), and do the oral argument if permitted and if oral argument is scheduled. This clinic will require a significant time commitment, particularly around the time that briefs are due and oral arguments are scheduled. Briefing schedules for the different teams will vary. The subject matter of the cases before the Courts of Appeals will vary. Obviously, the cases before the Board of Immigration Appeals will be immigration cases (primarily appeals of deportation orders). Enrollment in the clinic is by application only.


    This course picks up where the Appellate Litigation Clinic II leaves off in the spring semester. Students will draft petitions for certiorari in cases where the Circuit Courts of Appeals have denied our clients relief, prepare clemency petitions to the Office of the United States Pardon Attorney when appropriate, and write merits briefs to the Circuit Courts of Appeals and Board of Immigration Appeals for any cases still pending at the appellate court level during the summer term. Overall, the course will teach students the intricacies of appellate practice, including how to write persuasively, how to communicate with clients, and how to learn and follow the applicable procedural rules.

  • Appellate Practice, JURI 4149E, Credit Hours: 2

    This course will cover the nuts and bolts of appellate practice, such as appellate jurisdiction, preservation of error, supersedes bonds, appellate remedies, and other appellate procedures necessary to litigate an appeal successfully from its inception to its conclusion.

  • Applied Real Estate Litigation and Transactions: Eminent Domain, JURI 5590, Credit Hours: 2

    Participants will not only study eminent domain’s origins and historical development, they will also learn practical skills required to litigate condemnation cases.  Real estate research, required pleadings, litigation procedure, evidentiary issues, pretrial as well as trial motions and more will be discussed and prepared so that practicing attorneys acquire the skills necessary to represent both condemning entities and landowners.

  • Atlanta Civil Externship Semester in Practice, JURI 5981S, 5982S, Credit Hours: 10 (5 hours graded and 5 hours pass/fail)

    This course is a ten-credit course: two credits in a weekly two-hour seminar and eight credits earned at an assigned full-time placement in the Atlanta area for students to gain experience and work.

  • Atlanta Civil Externship Semester in Practice II, JURI 5985S, 5986S, Credit Hours: 10 (5 hours graded and 5 hours pass/fail)

    A second semester in practice. A seminar each week will supplement on-site externship placement with discussions about relevant substantive topics and opportunities to build skills.