Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:

bo rutledge and parker furman

Dean Peter B. "Bo" Rutledge and second-year student Parker G. Furman published "US Supreme Court Should Rule on Stay Suits While in Arbitration" in the Daily Report on 4/26/23.

Christopher Bruner photo

Stembler Family Distinguished Professor in Business Law Christopher M. Bruner presented his working paper “National Identity and Economic Development in Market-Dominant Small Jurisdictions” at the Law, Identity, and Economic Development in the Post-Colonial Era: The Case of the Northern Atlantic and Larger Caribbean Regions symposium hosted by the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs during April. 

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Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R. West was featured in The Wall Street Journal regarding the Dominion Voting Systems/Fox News litigation. The article titled "Fox News, Dominion Each Face Risks if Defamation Case Goes to Trial" was written by Erin Mulvaney, Joe Flint and Isabella Simonetti and was published 4/17/23. 

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Associate Dean & Hosch Professor Jason A. Cade presented “Not Just a Pandemic Problem: Administrative Failures in the Humanitarian Immigration System” at the Wisconsin International Law Journal Symposium: “Immigration and Access to Legal Resources for Migrants and Refugees” held at the University of Wisconsin Law School during April.


Hosch Professor & Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor Lori A. Ringhand published "Constructing the Supreme Court: How Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Have Affected Presidential Selection and Senate Confirmation Hearings" in 55 Polity 400 (2023) (with C.L. Boyd, P.M. Collins & K.A. Pennington).