Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:
Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R. West was featured in Slate regarding Chief Justice John Roberts' role in the upcoming impeachment trial. The article titled "No One in the Senate Is Going to Follow the Rules on Impeachment. Try This Instead." was written by Dahlia Lithwick and published 12/18/19.
Metadata Services Librarian Rachel S. Evans published "Workshop Report Digitization for Small Institutions" in 45 Technical Services Law Librarian 9 (2019).
Hosch Professor Lori A. Ringhand has been elected to the American Law Institute. The ALI is "the leading independent organization in the United States producing scholarly work to clarify, modernize and otherwise improve the law." The ALI's members work to "influence the development of the law in both existing and emerging areas," collaborate with other "eminent lawyers, judges and academics," give back to the legal profession and "contribute to the public good."
Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch was featured in Law360 regarding her article titled "Does Multidistrict Litigation Deny Plaintiffs Due Process?" being one of the publication's most-read guest columns in 2019. The article "5 Most-Read Access To Justice Law360 Guests of 2019" was published 12/23/19.
Wilner/UGA Foundation Professor in International Law Harlan G. Cohen published "Introduction to the Symposium on Julian Nyarko, "Giving The Treaty A Purpose: Comparing the Durability of Treaties and Executive Agreements" in 113 AJIL Unbound 169 (2019).