The University of Georgia continues to monitor the development of the winter storm. UGA will be Closed and on Modified Operations for January 21 and January 22. With the safety and security of our faculty, staff and students foremost in our minds, all in-person classes, campus events and activities will be canceled. Further updates will be sent as they become available

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Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R. West was featured in The Wall Street Journal regarding a recent settlement by CNN. The article titled "CNN Settles Defamation Suit After Jury Found It Liable for Smearing Navy Veteran in Afghanistan Evacuation Story" was written by Jacob Gershman and Isabella Simonetti and was published 1/17/25.

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Professor Emeritus Michael L. Wells published "Compensatory Damages and Dignitary Harm in the Upcoming Restatement of Constitutional Torts" in 62 Houston Law Review 115 (2024).

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Distinguished Research Professor & Shackelford Distinguished Professor in Taxation Law Emeritus Walter Hellerstein published a revised edition of his treatise, State Taxation vols. I-III, 3d ed. (Thomson Reuters, 2024) (co-authored with his late father J. Hellerstein and A. Appleby).

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Regents' Professor of International Law & Woodruff Chair in International Law Diane Marie Amann published "A Nuremberg Woman and the Hague Academy" in 35 European Journal of International Law 813 (2024).

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Assistant Professor Desirée LeClercq presented as part of “The Many New (and Newer) Voices of Constitutional Law” panel at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting during January.

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Clinical Associate Professor & First Amendment Clinic Director Clare R. Norins facilitated the “Identifying and Addressing Current Threats to Journalism” panel at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting during January.

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Assistant Professor Meighan Parker presented as part of the “Emerging Issues in Law, Medicine, and Health Care Works in Progress” panel at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting during January.

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UGA Associate Provost & Kirbo Chair Elizabeth Weeks moderated the “Dignitary Torts: Understanding the Third Restatement’s Approach to Dignitary Harm” panel at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting during January.

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Professor Emeritus Michael L. Wells presented as part of the “Dignitary Torts: Understanding the Third Restatement’s Approach to Dignitary Harm” panel at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting during January.

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Dean & Hosch Professor Emerita Rebecca Hanner White presented as part of the Presidential Keynote Plenary Session titled "Courage in Action" at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting during January.

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Post Professor Pamela Foohey and her 2017 Law and Contemporary Problems article were featured in USA Today regarding the functions of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The article titled “Billions of dollars for millions of Americans: why ‘delete the CFPB’ might not fly” was written by Andrea Riquier and published 1/10/25. The article has been republished by other outlets. 

The University of Georgia has been actively monitoring the development of a winter storm headed to our area. With the safety and security of our faculty, staff and students foremost in our minds, the University of Georgia Athens Campus will close and move to modified operations on Friday, January 10, 2025. All in-person classes, campus events and activities will be canceled throughout the day. Further updates will be sent as they become available.

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Callaway Chair of Law Emeritus Ronald L. Carlson's book Carlson on Evidence (with M. Carlson) was recently cited by the Georgia Court of Appeals in two cases, Wright v. State and Davis v. State. These citations bring the total to 80 times that this text has been used by Georgia appellate courts to resolve evidentiary issues.

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Distinguished Research Professor & Shackelford Distinguished Professor in Taxation Law Emeritus Walter Hellerstein published State and Local Taxation, Cases and Materials, 12th ed. (West Academic, 2024) (with K.J. Stark & J.M. Youngman).


Hosch Professor & Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor Lori A. Ringhand's book Supreme Bias: Gender and Race in U.S. Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings (Stanford University Press, 2023) (with C.L. Boyd and P.M. Collins) was selected as one of the top 10 Choice Reviews 2024 Outstanding Academic Titles from the past year. This prestigious list reflects the best scholarly titles reviewed by Choice during the previous calendar year.  The book also received a Pritchett Award last year.

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Talmadge Chair Peter B. "Bo" Rutledge was featured in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding the Georgia Honors Fellows Program, a School of Law initiative that helps to address legal needs for rural Georgians. The article titled "Think it’s hard getting legal help? Try living in rural Georgia" was written by Rosie Manins and published 1/7/25.

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As Usha R. Rodrigues begins her tenure as dean of the University of Georgia School of Law, she shares her vision for the future of the school that includes building on the strengths of our institution and exemplifying what a great national public law school can and should be.

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Regents' Professor of International Law & Woodruff Chair in International Law Diane Marie Amann presented “Women Bearing Witness in the Nuremberg Trials Project” as part of the University of Oxford Faculty of Law Public International Law Discussion Group Series at All Souls College, University of Oxford, during December.

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Assistant Professor Assaf Harpaz presented “Global Tax Wars in the Digital Era” at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Tax Law Forum during December.