Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:

University Professor and Caldwell Chair in Constitutional Law Dan T. Coenen published "Quiet-Revolution Rulings in Constitutional Law" in 99 Boston University Law Review 2061 (2019).

Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch was featured in The Washington Post regarding opioid litigation involving major drugstore chains and prescribing physicians. The article titled "Major drugstore chains sue doctors in sprawling federal opioid case" was written by Lenny Bernstein and published 1/7/20.

Assistant Clinical Professor and Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic Director Emma M. Hetherington was featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding a new federal lawsuit that could provide child sexual abuse survivors a new option for justice against the Boy Scouts of America. The article titled "New suit could give accusers new legal avenue against Boy Scouts" was written by Christian Boone and published 1/7/20.

Distinguished Research Professor & Shackelford Distinguished Professor in Taxation Law Emeritus Walter Hellerstein published "Platforms: The Finale" in 95 Tax Notes State 11 (2020) (with J.A. Swain and J.E. Maddison).

Assistant Professor Jonathan Peters was featured on NBC News regarding a new Kansas bill concerning the release of information related to police shootings. The article titled "Kansas bill would loosen the release of information related to police shootings" was written by Erik Ortiz and published 1/6/20.