Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:
Assistant Clinical Professor & Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic Director Emma M. Hetherington was featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding House Bill 479. The article titled "Hidden Predator Act heads back to Georgia House" was written by Amanda C. Coyne and published 3/11/20.
Assistant Clinical Professor & Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic Director Emma M. Hetherington was featured in the Daily Report regarding the Wilbanks CEASE Clinic's upcoming conference planned for April 9-10. The article titled "Lawyers Gathering in Athens to Aid Child Sex Abuse Survivors" was written by Katheryn Tucker and published 3/11/20.
Associate Professor & Practicum in Animal Welfare Skills Director Lisa Milot was featured in The Regulatory Review regarding her Tennessee Law Review article on backyard breeding. The article titled "Regulating Backyard Breeders" was written by Grace Gale and published 3/12/20.
Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch presented her book Mass Tort Deals: Backroom Bargaining in Multidistrict Litigation at a U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia Advisory Committee meeting during February.
Assistant Professor Lindsey Simon was featured in the CTInsider regarding mediators being selected to help facilitate the Purdue Pharma settlement. The article titled "Big questions still loom about Purdue Pharma opioid settlement" was written by Paul Schott and published 3/9/20.