Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:
Hosch Professor Lori A. Ringhand presented "First Amendment (Un)Exceptionalism" as part of the 2020 Constitutional Law Colloquium via Zoom at the University of Illinois College of Law.
Metadata Services Librarian Rachel S. Evans, Access Services Manager Marie R. Mize, Collection Services Manager David Rutland, Access Services Associate Szilvia Somodi and former Special Collections Librarian Sharon Bradley published "How to Hack Outreach: An A-Z Guide of Ideas, Tips, and Tools" in 40 Computers in Libraries 14 (2020).
First Amendment Clinic Director and Clinical Assistant Professor Clare R. Norins published "Recalibrating the balance: Increasing transparency around COVID-19 while still respecting privacy" (Georgia First Amendment Foundation, April 8, 2020). The piece has been reprinted by a variety of news outlets across the nation.
Dean Peter B. "Bo" Rutledge and second-year student Miles S. Porter published "Georgia Veteran's Case Allows U.S. High Court to Rethink Foreign Affairs Powers" in the Daily Report on 4/8/20.
Hosch Associate Professor Melissa J. Durkee was recently elected to the board of editors for the American Journal of International Law. AJIL is a leading peer-reviewed journal featuring articles by "pre-eminent scholars and practitioners from around the world addressing developments in public and private international law and foreign relations law."