Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:
Metadata Services & Special Collections Librarian Rachel S. Evans organized and moderated the Georgia Library Association Technical Services Interest Group's virtual workshop titled "Big Data: Managing Large-Scale Metadata Projects in a Teleworked Environment," which had more than 270 registrants and included speakers from UGA Libraries Brown Media Archives.
Director of the Law Library Carol A. Watson published "How Should the Law Library Interact with the Law School or University?" in Academic Law Libraries Within the Changing Landscape of Legal Education: A Primer for Deans and Provosts (William S. Hein & Co., 2020) (M.M. Wu, S.B. Pagel & J.S. Howland, eds.)
Hosch Associate Professor Kent Barnett was featured in Bloomberg Law regarding his thoughts on bonuses for Patent Trial and Appeal Board judges. The article titled "Big Bonuses for Patent Appeals Judges Raise Fairness Questions" was written by Matthew Bultman and published 9/8/20.
Dean Peter B. "Bo" Rutledge was featured in the Daily Report regarding things he misses from pre-pandemic times. The article titled "Six Months Into the New Normal, What Do Lawyers Miss, and What's Improved?" was written by Jonathan Ringel and published 9/3/20.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Marshall Chair of Constitutional Law Randy Beck's article "Qui Tam Litigation Against Government Officials" (93 Notre Dame Law Review 1235 (2018)) was cited by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in the case United States ex rel. Cimznhca, LLC v. U.C.B., Inc.