Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:
Shackelford Distinguished Professor in Taxation Law Gregg D. Polsky published "Taxing Buybacks" in 38 Yale Journal on Regulation 246 (2021) (with D.J. Hemel).
Assistant Clinical Professor & Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic Director Emma M. Hetherington testified as an expert before the Georgia House Judiciary Gunter Subcommittee at their hearing on House Bill 109. This bill would extend the civil statute of limitations for child sexual abuse claims in Georgia from age 23 to 38 or within four years of the date the survivor discovered that the abuse caused the resulting harms. HB 109 would also open a one-year retroactive window under which survivors who were previously barred would be able to bring claims under certain circumstances.
Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured on Bloomberg News regarding the Smartmatic defamation lawsuit. The segment titled "Billion Dollar Revenge of the Voting Machines" was hosted by June Grasso and aired 2/12/21.
University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues was featured in Crain's New York Business regarding special-purpose acquisition companies. The article titled "Wall Street's latest get-rich-quick scheme may work for sponsors but not investors" was written by Aaron Elstein and published 2/15/21.
Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch published "Judicial Adjuncts in Multidistrict Litigation" in 120 Columbia Law Review 2129 (2020) (with M.S. Williams).