Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:
Assistant Professor Lindsey Simon was featured in the New York Law Journal regarding the Boy Scouts of America bankruptcy proceedings. The article titled "Plaintiffs Firms Flooded Boy Scouts Bankruptcy With Unvetted, Potentially Fraudulent Civil Claims, Insurers Allege" was written by Max Mitchell and published 2/4/21.
Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch was featured in Law360 regarding Bayer's possible settlement relating to its Roundup weedkiller product. The article titled "Bayer's $2B Deal May Not Spell The End For Roundup" was written by Emily Field and published 2/4/21.
Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured in The Washington Post regarding the increasing number of government lawsuits over public record requests. The article titled "'Intimidation measure': Louisiana AG criticized for suing reporter over records request" was written by Hannah Knowles and published 2/7/21.
Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured on CNN Business regarding the Smartmatic's defamation lawsuit against Fox News. The article titled "'There is real teeth to this': Legal experts weigh in on Smartmatic's $2.7 billion lawsuit against Fox News" was written by Oliver Darcy and published 2/5/21.
Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R. West was featured in The New Yorker regarding the First Amendment's Press and Speech clauses and her Harvard Law Review article "Press Exceptionalism." The article titled "When Reporting Becomes a Defense for Rioting" was written by Andrew Marantz and published 2/3/21.