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Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch was featured in The New York Times regarding the outcome of a Georgia trial involving pharmaceutical companies and individual victims of the opioid epidemic. The article titled "Opioid Distributors Cleared of Liability to Georgia Families Ravaged by Addiction" was written by Jan Hoffman and published 3/1/23.

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Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch was featured on Law360 regarding the outcome of a Georgia trial involving pharmaceutical companies and individual victims of the opioid epidemic. The article titled "As Opioid Sellers Win Vital Verdict, Families See Silver Lining" was written by Jeff Overley and published 3/1/23.


The Community Health Law Partnership Clinic and the First Amendment Clinic were featured on Law360 for their work with women who allegedly endured abusive gynecological and other medical treatments, as well as inhumane conditions and retaliation, while in the custody of U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. The article titled "Migrants Say They Face Retaliation Over Medical Abuse Claims" was written by Britain Eakin and published 2/23/23.

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Callaway Chair of Law Emeritus Ronald L. Carlson was featured on Business Insider regarding the Georgia special purpose grand jury investigation into the 2020 election. The article titled "A juror in Georgia's Trump investigation gabbed about her experience on TV. Experts say that's actually OK." was written by Jacob Shamsian and published 2/25/23. The article has been reprinted by media outlets across the country.

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Callaway Chair of Law Emeritus Ronald L. Carlson was featured in an Associated Press article regarding the Georgia special purpose grand jury investigation into the 2020 election. The article titled "Trump investigation: Could grand juror's words tank charges?" was written by Kate Brumback and published 2/23/23. The article was reprinted by other media outlets.