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Associate Professor Laura Phillips-Sawyer was featured in The Wall Street Journal regarding the most recent U.S. antitrust lawsuit against Google. The article titled "Google Prepares for Second Antitrust Battle as DOJ Targets Its Ad Business" was written by Miles Kruppa and published 1/26/23.

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Callaway Chair of Law Emeritus Ronald L. Carlson was featured on Business Insider regarding the latest legal developments relating to the grand jury investigating the 2020 election. The article titled "Atlanta DA doesn't want the public to see the special grand jury report into Trump's efforts to overturn Georgia's 2020 vote" was written by Jacob Shamsian and published 1/24/23. The article was republished by other media outlets like Yahoo! 


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Alston Associate Chair in Corporate Law Lindsey Simon was featured in The New York Times regarding bankruptcy proceedings. The article titled "The Unknown Hedge Fund That Got $400 Million From Sam Bankman-Fried" was written by David Yaffe-Bellany, Matthew Goldstein and Royston Jones Jr. and was published 1/24/23. The article was reprinted by other media outlets.

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Dean Peter B. "Bo" Rutledge and UGA student Sawyer M. Bradford published "First Circuit's Ruling in Immediato Glosses Meaning of 'Engaged in Interstate Commerce'" in the Daily Report on 1/23/23.

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Interim UGA Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues was featured in Wired magazine regarding special purpose acquisition companies. The article titled "Quantum Startups' Stock Market Dreams Are Decohering" was written by Amanda Hoover and published 1/18/23.