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Third-year law student Colton J. Carpenter was featured on Law360 regarding a proposal to allow law students to take the Georgia bar exam before graduation. The article titled "'Inclusive' Change Eyed For Pre-Graduation Bar Exam" was written by Emily Johnson and published 2/9/23.

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The Business Law Clinic was featured in preLaw magazine regarding its individual-client work involving legal services and resources for small businesses and organizations. The clinic was highlighted in the "Around the nation" section in the winter 2023 issue. 

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Alston Associate Chair in Corporate Law Lindsey Simon was featured on regarding the 3M/Aearo Technologies' combat ear plugs litigation. The article titled "Earplug lawyers: Talc Dismissal 'Knocks the Props Out' of 3M Bankruptcy" was written by Amanda Bronstad and published 2/3/23. 

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Alston Associate Chair in Corporate Law Lindsey Simon was featured in a Reuters article regarding the status of Johnson & Johnson's bankruptcy filing related to its talc products. The article titled "Corporate lawsuit dodge imperiled after court rejects J&J bankruptcy tactic" was written by Dan Levine and Mike Spector and was published 2/2/23.

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Interim UGA Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues was featured in an Agence France-Presse article regarding claims made by a short-seller against Adani Group. The article titled "A US corporate scourge deflates the empire of Indian tycoon Adani" was written by Thomas Urbain and published 1/31/23. The article was reprinted by media outlets around the globe.