Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:

Kent Barnett

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Hosch Professor Kent Barnett was featured on Bloomberg Law regarding the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority/Alpine Securities litigation. The article titled "FINRA Authority Fight Carries Weight But May Be a 'Hard Ask'" was written by Martina Barash and published 10/11/23.

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Rogers Chair of Intellectual Property and Unfair Competition Law Joseph S. Miller published "A Judge Never Writes More Freely: A Separate-Opinions Citation-Network Approach to Assessing Judicial Ideology" in 2022 Michigan State Law Review 901.

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Associate Professor Jonathan Peters published "All the news that's fit to be identified: Facilitating access to high-quality news through internet platforms" in 21 Colorado Technology Law Journal 1 (2023) (with S.R. West and L.J. Anastasopoulos).  

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Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R. West published "All the news that's fit to be identified: Facilitating access to high-quality news through internet platforms" in 21 Colorado Technology Law Journal 1 (2023) (with J. Peters and L.J. Anastasopoulos).  

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Regents' Professor of International Law and Woodruff Chair in International Law Diane Marie Amann presented "Child-Taking in International Criminal Law” at King's College London Department of War Studies in the United Kingdom during October.