Congratulations to Emina Sadic Herzberger on her selection for a Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner 2021 Diversity Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to second-year law students and is part of the firm's commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Congratulations to Kent Barnett, Melissa J. Durkee and Lara Pulliam for their new leadership roles at the School of Law. Barnett is the new associate dean for academic affairs, Durkee is the associate dean for international programs and will serve as director of the Dean Rusk International Law Center, and Pulliam now serves as the interim senior director of law school advancement in addition to her role as chief of staff.

The University of Georgia Alumni Association Board of Directors has elected its 77th president, Yvette K. Daniels (J.D.'89), and approved eight new board members. Their terms began July 1. Also, Dominique Holloman (J.D.'04) will serve as nominating committee chair, while Jody Corry (J.D.'91) will rotate off the board.

As UGA prepares for a full return to normal campus operations this fall, it is also looking back to identify how lessons learned from a year and a half of teaching during the COVID pandemic can enhance the learning environment. The Task Force on the Future of Teaching and Learning at UGA is composed of 27 faculty, staff and students from across the institution and is scheduled to deliver a report on its findings at the end of fall semester. Hosch Professor & Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor Lori A. Ringhand will serve on the task force.

Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. is the first U.S. Supreme Court decision addressing whether public schools may constitutionally regulate off-campus student speech. The Supreme Court's prior student-speech decisions involved speech on school grounds, during school-sponsored events or in school-sponsored publications. The Supreme Court's 8-1 recent decision in Mahanoy allows both sides to claim victory, according to Clare Norins, director of the University of Georgia School of Law's First Amendment Clinic, who also serves as an assistant clinical professor.