morehead honors college ribbon cutting

The dedication of the University of Georgia’s Jere W. Morehead Honors College was celebrated on Thursday, Sept. 30, with a ribbon-cutting on the steps of Moore Hall, facing Herty Field. The event was attended by current and emeriti trustees of the UGA Foundation, as well as the acting chancellor, former chancellor and several members of the University System of Georgia Board of Regents. Morehead, who currently serves as president of UGA, is a 1980 graduate of the School of Law.

law library front

The Alexander Campbell King Law Library has received a Legal Information Preservation Alliance grant to digitize nine volumes of historic Georgia treatises ranging in date from 1819 to 1917. The digitization is scheduled to begin in early October, and fully text-searchable items will be made available in the School of Law's Digital Commons repository by 2022.

Thomas Kadri photo

Assistant Professor Thomas E. Kadri has received a $180,487 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to fund his research project on digital evidence and constitutional privacy rights. The project, “A Socio-Technical Framework for Handling Digital Evidence with Security and Privacy Assurances,” will involve interdisciplinary collaboration between Kadri and a team of computer scientists at Augusta University School of Computer and Cyber Sciences. NSF’s Designing Accountable Software Systems (DASS) program solicits foundational research aimed towards a deeper understanding of the relationship between software systems and the complex social and legal contexts within which they operate. Kadri will conduct research into relevant legal frameworks, specifically focusing on whether technology can ensure that warrants to search digital devices comport with First and Fourth Amendment privacy rights. 

sea grant fellows

Third-year students Varad R. Dabke and Robert L. “Rob” Hillyer have served as Georgia Sea Grant Legal Fellows conducting research to address critical environmental, economic and social concerns primarily affecting coastal Georgia for the past two years. Dabke specialized in the area of aquaculture and has published “Regulatory Takings in Aquaculture” in 11 Sea Grant Law & Policy Journal 135 (2021). Hillyer focused on areas of resilience and infrastructure, specifically on local adaptation of road networks. Both students presented their work at the Georgia Climate Conference.