Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:


Hosch Professor & Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor Lori A. Ringhand was featured on FiveThirtyEight regarding her research on U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Supreme Court hearings. The article titled "How Racism And Sexism Could Define Ketanji Brown Jackson's Confirmation Hearings" was written by Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux and published 3/2/22.

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Assistant Professor Lindsey Simon published "Bankruptcy Grifters" in 131 Yale Law Journal 1154 (2022).

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Stembler Family Distinguished Professor in Business Law Christopher M. Bruner published a feature titled “Corporate Governance Reform and the Sustainability Imperative” in 131 Yale Law Journal 1217 (2022).

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Associate Professor Laura Phillips Sawyer presented on a panel titled "Business Historians on the New Brandeis Movement and the Uses of History" at the American Historical Association Annual Meeting during January.  

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Dr. Thomas Kadri, whose research focuses on law and technology with an emphasis on technology-enabled abuse, has been advising the office of U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI), co-sponsor of the Safe Connections Act, on the text of the law, which the bill’s co-sponsors are trying to attach to the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Dr. Kadri is available to media to speak on this topic.