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Clinical Assistant Professor & Criminal Defense Practicum Director Elizabeth Taxel was featured in an Associated Press article regarding Georgia indictments including grand juror names. The article titled "No, Georgia officials didn't err in releasing Trump indictment with grand jurors' names" was written by Angelo Fichera and published 8/17/23. The article was reprinted by other media outlets including the Las Vegas Sun and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Brock Professor Nathan S. Chapman was featured on regarding the Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. The article titled "Experts: Trump gambit to move Fulton case to federal court may actually work - but there's a catch" was written by Areeba Shah and published 8/15/23.

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Assistant Professor John B. Meixner Jr. was featured in The Washington Times regarding Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act cases in Georgia. The article titled "RICO charge puts Trump in the company of Mafia bosses, Hells Angels and Young Thug" was written by Stephan Dinan and published 8/15/23.

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Assistant Professor John B. Meixner Jr. was featured in The New York Times regarding trial timing in Georgia. The article titled "In Georgia Case Against Trump, a Trial Within Six Months Could Be a Stretch" was written by Richard Fausset, Danny Hakim and Shaila Dewan and was published 8/16/23.

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Callaway Chair of Law Emeritus Ronald L. Carlson was featured in two Insider articles regarding pardon power in Georgia. The first article titled "Trump's 4 criminal cases, ranked in order of how screwed he is" was written by Jacob Shamsian and Sonam Sheth and was published 8/15/23. The second article titled "Trump would have to serve 5 years in prison before he can be pardoned in Georgia criminal case, expert says" was written by Jacob Shamsian and published 8/15/23. This story was republished in other media outlets.