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Callaway Chair of Law Emeritus Ronald L. Carlson was featured on Insider regarding bond orders relating to the 2020 Georgia election interference case. The article titled "Trump's $200,000 bond in his Georgia RICO case is the first time he's on the hook for cash in his criminal cases" was written by Jacob Shamsian and published 8/21/23.

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Assistant Professor John B. Meixner Jr. was featured on Atlanta's 11Alive regarding the U.S. Constitution's Supremacy Clause. The article titled "'The context is what matters:' Experts look at chance Georgia Trump case will move to federal court" was written by Jerry Carnes and published 8/22/23.

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Carter Chair in Tort and Insurance Law Michael L. Wells was featured in Washington Monthly regarding the right to remove to federal court any state prosecution. The article titled "The Grudge Holding, Double Gun Shooting Supreme Court Justice Who Might Save Mark Meadows" was written by Garrett Epps and published 8/21/23.   

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Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R. West was featured in Newsweek regarding the likelihood of at least one of Donald Trump's cases reaching the U.S. Supreme Court. The article titled "Supreme Court Facing 'Minefield' With Trump's Case" was written by Nick Mordowanec and published 8/18/23.

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Professor & Practicum in Animal Welfare Skills Director Lisa Milot's research relating to backyard dog breeders was featured in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The article titled "In Georgia, backyard dog breeders bring big cost to public" was written by Nedra Rhone and published 8/16/23.