Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:

Hosch Associate Professor Kent Barnett's forthcoming article "Some Kind of Hearing Officer" was reviewed by Kathryn Watts in JOTWELL (Jan. 28, 2019). In the review, Watts notes that Barnett's work "begins to pull the cover back from the administrative state's previously hidden judiciary."

Smith Professor Hillel Y. Levin published "A proposal to reduce vaccine exemptions while respecting rights of conscience" (with S. Kershner, T. Lytton and D. Salmon) on The Conversation. The article was published 1/2/19.

University Professor & Caldwell Chair Dan T. Coenen published "Free Speech and the Law of Evidence" in 68 Duke Law Journal 639 (2019).

Carter Chair in Tort and Insurance Law Michael L. Wells published "Qualified Immunity After Ziglar v. Abbasi: The Case for a Categorical Approach" in 68 American University Law Review 379 (2018).

Wilner/UGA Foundation Professor in International Law Harlan G. Cohen presented "The Sociology of International Precedent" at the "Opening the Black Box of Precedent and Case-based Reasoning" workshop held at the University of Vienna in Austria during January.