Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:

Assistant Professor Lindsey Simon was featured in The New York Times regarding the trusts associated with Purdue Pharma's proposed opioid settlement. The article titled "Judge Clears Purdue Pharma's Restructuring Plan for Vote by Thousands of Claimants" was written by Jan Hoffman and Mary Williams Walsh and was published 5/27/21.

University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues was featured on Bloomberg Law regarding her testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship and Capital Markets titled "Going Public: SPACs, Direct Listings, Public Offerings, and the Need for Investor Protections." The article titled "Treasury Picks in Senate Panel's Spotlight" was written by Colleen Murphy and published 5/25/21.

Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch was featured on Law 360 regarding opioid litigation strategy. The article titled "Drugmakers Throw Purdue Under Bus In Opioid Trial Gamble" was written by Jeff Overley and published 5/21/21.

Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch's article "MDL Revolution," forthcoming in the New York University Law Review (with A.R. Gluck), was reviewed by Allan Erbsen in JOTWELL (May 20, 2021). In the review titled "Procedural Evolution in Multidistrict Litigation," Erbsen writes Burch and Gluck are advancing MDL literature by "constructing an insightful account of how MDL common law evolves and a thoughtful assessment of the norms that should shape this evolution."

University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship and Capital Markets titled "Going Public: SPACs, Direct Listings, Public Offerings, and the Need for Investor Protections" on 5/24/21. This subcommittee is part of the U.S. House's Committee on Financial Services.