Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:

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Interim UGA Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues was featured in Wired magazine regarding special purpose acquisition companies. The article titled "Quantum Startups' Stock Market Dreams Are Decohering" was written by Amanda Hoover and published 1/18/23.

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Metadata Services & Special Collections Librarian Rachel Evans published "How We Digitized a Special Collection With a Little Help From Our Friends" in 43.1 Computers in Libraries 3 (2022) (with M. Mastrovita and M. Willoughby). 

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Associate Professor Jonathan Peters has been appointed to the OSCE-ODIHR Panel of Experts on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association. The panel is part of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and its Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. The panel serves as an advisory body to the OSCE and its participating countries in developing and maintaining legislation regarding the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association. Peters is one of two panelists from the United States on the 16-member Panel of Experts, and he will serve a four-year term, which began January 1. 

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Interim UGA Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues was featured in Law360 regarding special purpose acquisition companies. The article titled "Delaware Ruling Increases Scrutiny of SPAC Economic Costs" was written by Tom Zanki and published 1/12/23.

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UGA Associate Provost & Kirbo Chair Elizabeth Weeks published "Rewritten Opinion, National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius" in Feminist Judgments: Health Law Rewritten (S. Mohapatra and L.F. Wiley eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2023).