Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:

Assistant Professor Jonathan Peters was featured in The Washington Post regarding a Tweet he made about the importance of the First Amendment. The article titled " Trump campaign lawsuit against New York Times exposes honesty of New York Times" was written by Erik Wemple and published 2/27/20.

Assistant Professor Jonathan Peters was featured in VICE regarding Supreme Court protections for speech. The article titled "Trump Keeps Suing Newspapers Over Opinions He Doesn't Like" was written by David Uberti and published 3/3/20.

Associate Professor & Veterans Legal Clinic Director Alexander W. Scherr's 2003 Hastings Law Journal article was featured on Reason.com regarding diagnosing mental illness and predicting a person's dangerousness. The article titled "After He Found California's Indefinite Detention of Sex Offenders Wasn't Working, the State Shut Him Down and Destroyed His Research" was written by Steven Yoder and published in the April issue.

Stembler Family Distinguished Professor in Business Law Christopher Bruner presented "Private Power and Public Good: Harnessing the Corporation for a Sustainable Future" at the University of the Witwatersrand School of Law in Johannesburg, South Africa, during February. Bruner is currently writing a book on this subject, for which he is conducting research at Witwatersrand.

Hosch Associate Professor Jason Cade presented on a panel titled "Where are We Now? Unpacking Migration's Present" at the inaugural interdisciplinary Immigration Theory Workshop: "Imagining Migration After Populism," held at the University of Houston Law Center during February.