At this time, we are planning for normal operations at the Athens Campus of UGA on Tuesday, Jan. 29. Clarke County is not listed among the 35 affected counties, and we are not expecting any weather-related problems during the day on Tuesday. However, we are continuing to monitor weather forecasts. Check for updates.

Congratulations to the team of third-year student Samuel Baker and second-year student William C. Phillips for finishing as first runner-up in Tulane Law School's Professional Football Negotiation Competition. The pair competed in six rounds of negotiations in the School of Law's first appearance in the competition.

Congratulations to third-year students Simone Ford, Thomas Grantham and Timia Skelton for winning the Hunton Andrews Kurth Moot Court National Championship. The team defeated William & Mary Law School in the final round. This invitation-only tournament is for the top 16 moot court programs from law schools across the country based on performances from the previous academic year.

The University of Georgia School of Law has announced the establishment of The Be Kind Fund, in memory of the late Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice P. Harris Hines. The fund will: sponsor a Georgia Jurist-in-Residence, where a Georgia judge or justice will spend a period in residence at the School of Law teaching and interacting with students each year; support semester/summer fellowships for students, with preference given to those who will work or serve as judicial clerks at the Supreme Court of Georgia; and fund scholarship aid for law students.

The School of Law was recently awarded a Self Represented Litigant Grant from the Judicial Council of Georgia to support the efforts of the Athens Access to Justice Initiative, which seeks to provide community members, who are unable to afford legal representation, with access to attorneys. The initiative operates through a partnership between the School of Law, the Western Circuit Bar Association and the Athens-Clarke County Superior Court, and includes monthly legal pop-up clinics and a Self-Represented Litigant Center and Library.