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During 2022, the Business Law Clinic provided 2,400+ hours of individual-client work, which included partnering with UGA’s Innovation District to provide free legal services and self-help resources to entrepreneurs and small businesses, assisting a sustainability-focused tech startup align its products with existing and emerging environmental regulations and forming a nonprofit organization seeking to establish a Black history museum in Athens, among others. 

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Smith Professor Hillel Y. Levin published "Righting a Reproductive Wrong: A Statutory Tort Solution to Misrepresentation by Reproductive Tissue Providers" in 60 Houston Law Review 1 (2022) (with Y. Heled, T.D. Lytton and L. Vertinsky).

Brock Associate Professor in Professional Responsibility Nathan S. Chapman presented on "Christianity and U.S. Constitutionalism" at the Liberalism, Christianity, and Constitutionalism symposium hosted by the Notre Dame Law Review

Marshall Chair of Constitutional Law Randy Beck published "Popular Enforcement of Controversial Legislation" in 57 Wake Forest Law Review 553 (2022).

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The Honorable Verda M. Colvin, a Georgia Supreme Court justice and School of Law alumna, will present the 2023 UGA Holmes-Hunter Lecture on Feb. 28 at 2 p.m. in the Chapel. Named in honor of Charlayne Hunter-Gault and Hamilton Holmes Sr., the first African American students to attend the University of Georgia, the lecture is sponsored by the Office of the President and focuses on race relations, civil rights and education. It has been held annually since 1985.

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Assistant Professor Thomas E. Kadri published "Juridical Discourse for Platforms" in 136 Harvard Law Review Forum 163 (2022).

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Distinguished Research Professor & Shackelford Distinguished Professor in Taxation Law Emeritus Walter Hellerstein's treatise, State Taxation, was cited by the Minnesota Tax Court in Cities Management, Inc. v. Commissioner of Revenue, Minn. Tax Ct. (Dec. 20, 2022).

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Interim UGA Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues was featured on Grid regarding her thoughts on the impact of stock sell-offs. The article titled "While Elon Musk is distracted running Twitter, Tesla's stock has taken a nosedive. Investors are starting to freak out." was written by Benjamin Powers and published 12/21/22.

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The School of Law’s Appellate Litigation Clinic has afforded participating students the opportunity to present oral argument in six federal appellate courts over the last five years. This includes the D.C., Second, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth and Eleventh Circuits. Its students were also the first law students to argue before both the Georgia Supreme Court and Georgia Court of Appeals. The clinic was founded in 2010, which makes it one of the older appellate clinics in the country.

Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic Staff Attorney Brian Atkinson presented on "Trauma-Informed Representation for Crossover Youth" at The Summit 2022: Georgia’s Child Welfare Conference during December.

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Clinical Associate Professor & Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic Director Emma M. Hetherington presented "Exploring Careers in Child Protection Law" at The Summit 2022: Georgia’s Child Welfare Conference during December. At the conference, the "HOPE for Victims" video debuted, it features Hetherington and second-year student Jessica L. Davis. The Wilbanks CEASE Clinic provides legal representation in the HOPE Court for child participants who are confirmed or suspected to be victims of commercial and sexual exploitation and who are in foster care.

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Callaway Chair of Law Emeritus Ronald L. Carlson was featured in Business Insider regarding the latest legal developments relating to the grand jury investigating the 2020 election. The article titled "Prosecutors in Georgia are fast approaching a decision on whether to charge Trump. Here's how it would go down." was written by Jacob Shamsian and published 12/18/22.

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First Amendment Clinic Legal Fellow Lindsey M. Floyd and second-year student Hanna M. Esserman were featured in the Bluefield Daily Telegraph and the Valdosta Times regarding the First Amendment and the right to protest. The article titled "Protest bills fall short, but First Amendment group ready to fight revival" was written by Asia Ashley and published 12/19/22. It was based on a First Amendment Clinic webinar presented by Floyd, Esserman and third-year student Aradhana Chandra.

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Clinical Associate Professor & Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic Director Emma M. Hetherington presented "Integrating Evaluations in Practice: Lessons Learned from Representing Survivors of CSEC" for the National Association of Counsel for Children during December. She also published "Measuring Therapeutic Outcomes for Survivors of CSEC" in 44 The Guardian 17 (2022). 

mcbride and voyles with award

Congratulations to Paula McBride, winner of the 2022 Emma Terrell Distinguished Employee Award. Presented annually by the Law School Staff Representative Group, the award recognizes “individuals who have demonstrated a strong work ethic, commitment to service, and exceptional job performance as well as the cooperation needed to ensure the School of Law meets and exceeds its goals.”

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Assistant Professor Thomas E. Kadri presented “A Socio-Technical Framework for Handling Digital Evidence with Security and Privacy Assurances” at the "Smart Compliance Systems in the AI Era: Combining Criminal and Administrative Measures” conference hosted by Bar-Ilan University in Israel during December.

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Hosch Professor Logan E. Sawyer III presented “Government by Judiciary: Originalism and the Politics of Principle inside the Reagan Administration” at a University of Pennsylvania Law School Legal History Workshop during December. 


Hosch Professor & Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor Lori A. Ringhand was featured on Georgia Public Broadcasting's "Political Rewind" regarding current U.S. Supreme Court cases. The segment titled "Cases on serving same-sex couples, independent legislatures before Supreme Court" was hosted Bill Nigut and aired 12/9/22.

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Stembler Family Distinguished Professor in Business Law Christopher M. Bruner presented on “Corporate Risk, Shareholder Liability, and the Role of Intermediaries” at The Risks of Unsustainability Conference hosted by the University of Oslo Faculty of Law during December. 

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Assistant Professor Thomas E. Kadri presented "Interoperable Obscurity” at the Southeastern Junior/Senior Legal Scholars Conference during December.