The Alexander Campbell King Law Library's Access Services Manager Marie Mize was recently featured in a USAA video regarding her role as the director of the Moina Michael Poppy Project at the University of Georgia. Michael, a former UGA professor who is referred to as The Poppy Lady, is known for her crusade to make the red poppy a symbol of remembrance for those who died in military conflict.

tubinis, nolan and taylor pics

Information Technology Librarian Jason Tubinis, Instruction and Faculty Services Librarian Savanna Nolan, and Clinical Services and Research Librarian Amy Taylor recently earned promotions. Tubinis has been elevated to the rank of Librarian IV, while Nolan and Taylor now hold Librarian II status.


Congratulations to the Class of 2020 for posting an Ultimate Bar Passage rate of 97.7%, meaning close to 98% of these graduates who sat for the bar exam within one year of graduation passed. This high Ultimate Bar Passage rate and the school's pursuit of being the nation's best return on investment in legal education demonstrate that the School of Law is redefining what it means to be a great national public law school - one that offers a world-class, hands-on, purpose-driven educational experience while never surrendering its commitment to accessibility and affordability.

2022 intrastate moot court teams

In the moot court system, the University of Georgia is represented by two separate but equally important groups of second- and third-year law students. Georgia Magazine recently shared their story in its summer 2022 issue. 

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The Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic has been awarded an additional $75,900 under the Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council's TANF Grant Program for Minor Human Trafficking Services and Training to provide community-based follow up and aftercare services for survivors.The clinic will use these funds to hire a full-time social work advocate to provide needs assessments, case management, referral services, expert opinion testimony and systems-based advocacy for the clinic's clients.