J.D. Office of Admissions
School of Law
Harold Hirsch Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602-6012
(706) 542-7060
M.S.L. Office of Admissions
School of Law
Harold Hirsch Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602-6012
(706) 542-7060
LL.M. Office of Admissions
School of Law
Dean Rusk International Law Center
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602-6012
(706) 542-7875
Undergraduate Minor in Law, Jurisprudence, and the State
School of Law
Harold Hirsch Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602-6012

School of Law Office of Admissions Staff

Xavier R. Brown Assistant Dean for Admissions and Strategic Initiatives (706) 542-7060 | xrbrown@uga.edu 216 Hirsch Hall
Diana C. DeJesus Assistant Director of Admissions and Student Experience (706) 542-8601 | diana.dejesus@uga.edu 215 Hirsch Hall
Shannon Shipley Hinson Associate Director of Admissions & Director of Dual Degree Programs (706) 542-7060 | shinson@uga.edu 217 Hirsch Hall
Joy Lester Admissions Administrative Assistant (706) 542-7060 | jnlester@uga.edu 213 Hirsch Hall
Brandi Saunders Enrollment Management Specialist (706) 542-5225 | bsaundrs@uga.edu 237 Hirsch Hall