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Smith Professor Hillel Y. Levin was featured in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding proposed Georgia education legislation. The article titled "Georgia Senate approves Kemp's parent bill of rights for schools" was written by Ty Tagami and published 2/22/22.


Hosch Professor & Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor Lori A. Ringhand was featured on Bloomberg.com regarding potential U.S. Supreme Court justice candidates and the nomination process. The segment titled "Balance of Power: Biden Close on SCOTUS Pick" was hosted by David Westin and published 2/22/22.

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Assistant Professor Thomas E. Kadri was featured on Axios regarding the proposed Safe Connections Act. The article titled "Wireless lobby tangles future of domestic violence bill" was written by Ashley Gold and Margaret Harding McGill and published 2/17/22.

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Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured in the Columbia Journalism Review regarding malice as defined in New York Times v. Sullivan. The article titled "The two big questions after the Sarah Palin New York Times trial" was written by Caleb Pershan and published 2/17/22.

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Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R. West was featured in The Washington Post regarding recent developments in Palin v. New York Times. The article titled "A judge's unusual timing may keep Sarah Palin's legal hopes alive" was written by Paul Farhi and published 2/17/22.