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Adjunct Professor Weyman T. Johnson was featured in The Gainesville Times regarding unions in Georgia. The article titled "Labor union claims county will raise taxes to fund NGHS expansion. The county says that's not true" was written by Ben Anderson and published 4/14/22.

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Dean Peter B. "Bo" Rutledge, third-year student Jacob D. Swanstrom and second-year student Cara B. Musciano published "This Panama Canal Case Might End Up at the U.S. Supreme Court" in the Daily Report on 4/8/22.

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Clinical Assistant Professor & Prosecutorial Justice Program Director Melissa D. Redmon was featured in Politico regarding Ketanji Brown Jackson, a former federal public defender, joining the U.S. Supreme Court. The article titled "What Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson means for the country" was written by Brakkton Booker and published 4/7/22.


Hosch Professor & Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor Lori A. Ringhand was featured in The Christian Science Monitor regarding the growing political importance of U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings. The article titled "Jackson headed to Supreme Court. Why was it such a nailbiter?" was written by Christa Case Bryant and published 4/7/22.

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Clinical Assistant Professor & First Amendment Clinic Director Clare R. Norins was featured in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding government gag orders on public employee speech. The story also cites the First Amendment Clinic’s 2021 study of Georgia government agencies that restrict their employees’ speech to the press. Titled "Employees faced threats to not speak out on sex harassment scandal," the article was written by Asia Simone Burns and Johnny Edwards and was published 4/1/22.