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Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured in Vanity Fair regarding the Dominion Voting Systems/Fox News settlement. The article titled "Surprise! Fox News Mostly Avoids Airing How It Paid Out $787 Million For Spreading Election Lies" was written by Charlotte Klein and published 4/19/23. His Twitter commentary was also featured on CNN's Reliable Sources and Truthout.

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Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured on Quartz regarding the Dominion Voting Systems/Fox News settlement. The article titled "Dominion didn't need a trial for a victory over Fox" was written by Scott Nover and published 4/19/23.

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Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured in The Washington Post regarding the Dominion Voting Systems/Fox News litigation. The article titled "The high stakes of Dominion v. Fox; But there are last-minute settlement talks" was written by Olivier Knox and Caroline Anders and was published 4/17/23. 

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University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues was featured on Bloomberg Law regarding a proposed Digital World Acquisition Corporation SPAC merger. The article titled "SPAC Traders Value Trump Media 40-Times Higher Than He Does" was written by Bailey Lipschultz and published 4/18/23. The article was reprinted by other media outlets around the globe including Australia's WAToday.

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Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured in The Washington Post regarding the Dominion Voting Systems/Fox News litigation. The article titled "The Dominion vs. Fox defamation case is finally going to trial" was written by Elahe Izadi, Jeremy Barr and Sarah Ellison and was published 4/16/23. The article was reprinted by other media outlets including The Detroit News.