Assistant Professor Lindsey Simon was featured in The New York Times regarding the trusts associated with Purdue Pharma's proposed opioid settlement. The article titled "Judge Clears Purdue Pharma's Restructuring Plan for Vote by Thousands of Claimants" was written by Jan Hoffman and Mary Williams Walsh and was published 5/27/21.

Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch was featured on Law 360 regarding opioid litigation strategy. The article titled "Drugmakers Throw Purdue Under Bus In Opioid Trial Gamble" was written by Jeff Overley and published 5/21/21.

Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch's article "MDL Revolution," forthcoming in the New York University Law Review (with A.R. Gluck), was reviewed by Allan Erbsen in JOTWELL (May 20, 2021). In the review titled "Procedural Evolution in Multidistrict Litigation," Erbsen writes Burch and Gluck are advancing MDL literature by "constructing an insightful account of how MDL common law evolves and a thoughtful assessment of the norms that should shape this evolution."

Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch was featured in an Associated Press article regarding opioid litigation. The article titled "Setting the Stage for Thousands of Opioid Lawsuits, Potentially Years of Litigation" was published 5/17/21.

Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch was featured in a Reuters news video regarding the opioid litigation in West Virginia. The segment titled "West Virginia opioids trial seen as test case amid thousands of suits" was reported by Brendan Pierson and published 5/4/21.