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Assistant Professor Lindsey Simon was featured on National Public Radio regarding the Purdue Pharma bankruptcy settlement. The segment titled "The Purdue Pharma Deal Would Deliver Billions, But Individual Payouts Will Be Small" was hosted by Noel King and Martha Bebinger, and it aired 9/28/21.

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Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch was featured on Law360 regarding multidistrict opioid litigation against pharmacies. The article titled "7 Key Details As Pharmacy Giants Head To 1st Opioid Trial" was written by Jeff Overley and Emily Field and was published 9/29/21.

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Associate Professor Fazal R. Khan was featured on MarketWatch regarding his thoughts on vaccine eligibility. The article titled "Does your job make you eligible for a COVID-19 booster shot?" was written by Andrew Keshner and published 9/27/21.

Brock Associate Professor in Professional Responsibility Nathan S. Chapman was featured in Bloomberg Law regarding his thoughts on religious objections to vaccine mandates. The article titled "Religious Suits Over Covid Shots Reveal Edge for Private Sector" was written by Robert Iafolla and published 9/21/21.

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Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch was featured on the Ralph Nader Radio Hour regarding her thoughts on multidistrict litigation. The episode titled "Mass Torts/Politics & the Media" aired 9/23/21.