Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R. West published "Palin lost her libel case. The news media still should worry about what's next." in The Washington Post on 2/17/22.
Associate Professor Laura Phillips Sawyer was featured in the French magazine L'Express regarding recent Facebook litigation. The article titled "Attaque en justice contre Facebook: 'Le vent est en train de tourner pour les Gafam'" was written by Raphaël Bloch and published 1/16/22.
Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R. West's research was featured in The New York Times regarding the U.S. Supreme Court and its references to the press. The article titled "Effort to Weaken Press Protections Isn't Likely to End With Palin Case" was written by Jeremy W. Peters and published 2/16/22.
Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured in Forbes regarding his thoughts on public figures and libel cases. The article titled "New York Times Didn't Defame Sarah Palin, Jury Finds - Agreeing With Judge's Ruling" was written by Alison Durkee and published 2/15/22.
Callaway Chair of Law Emeritus Ronald L. Carlson's book Carlson on Evidence (with M. Carlson) was recently cited by the Georgia Court of Appeals in the case Interest of A. A. regarding how text messages are authenticated when they are important evidence in court cases. This citation brings the total to 62 times that this text has been used by Georgia appellate courts to resolve evidentiary issues.