Faculty Colloquium - Tessa Davis


Tessa Davis is an associate professor of law specializing in taxation and tax policy at the University of South Carolina School of Law. She is a visiting professor here at the UGA School of Law for 2022-2023.  Davis focuses her research on the ways in which tax law and policy are influenced by cultural context. Her research interests include the intersection of tax with many different areas of law, including immigration law, family law, law and technology, and health law.

Faculty Colloquium - Sue Provenzano


Susan Provenzano teaches civil procedure, evidence, employment discrimination, and employment law. Her research applies philosophical, linguistic, and rhetorical theories of meaning across the law in pursuit of what she terms “unsolved interpretive mysteries.”

Please note: this is a faculty-only event

Faculty Colloquium - Carolyn Shapiro


Professor Shapiro is the founder and co-director of Chicago-Kent's Institute on the Supreme Court of the United States (ISCOTUS). Her scholarship is largely focused on the institutions of our constitutional democracy, in particular the Supreme Court, and how those institutions interact, and has appeared in law reviews. She teaches classes in constitutional law, legislation and statutory interpretation, and public interest law and policy.

Institutional Structure of the U.S. - Mexico Relations and Key Bilateral Issues: Mexico's legal case against U.S. gun manufacturers


Please join us for a discussion with Ambassador Javier Díaz de León, Consul General of Mexico in Atlanta. This event is part of our ongoing Consular Series. Please note, lunch will be available for students on a first-come basis, and no registration is required.

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