- Atlanta Corporate Counsel Externship Semester in Practice, JURI 5993S, 5994S, Credit Hours: 10 (5 hours graded and 5 hours pass/fail)
This course is a ten-credit course: two credits in a weekly two-hour seminar and eight credits earned at an assigned full-time placement in the Atlanta area for students to gain experience and work.
- Atlanta Corporate Counsel Externship Semester in Practice II, JURI 5995S, 5996S, Credit Hours: 10 credit hours (5 hours graded and 5 hours pass/fail)
A second semester in practice. A seminar each week will supplement on-site externship placement with discussions about relevant substantive topics and opportunities to build skills.
- Bankruptcy, JURI 4360, Credit Hours: 3
This survey course is intended not only for aspiring bankruptcy lawyers, but also to allow future litigators and corporate lawyers to become familiar with both consumer and corporate bankruptcy. It examines the nature of the legal relationship between debtors and creditors under the Bankruptcy Code as well as under some nonbankruptcy law. Students develop competency in the competing elections available to consumers in bankruptcy, in both liquidation and reorganization of businesses, in recovery of fraudulent transfers and preferential transfers, and in the jurisdiction and venue bankruptcy courts.
- Bankruptcy Litigation, JURI 4225, Credit Hours: 2, Prerequisite: JURI 4360
The Bankruptcy Litigation course is designed to provide students with practical, direct, and realistic experience with the procedural rules applicable to the resolution of disputes that commonly occur in contested chapter 11 reorganization and chapter 7 bankruptcy cases. Students will individually and as part of teams draft petitions, draft and argue Contested Matter applications, motions, objections, and an Adversary Proceeding complaint and answer. Students will also draft a Mediation Statement and participate in a mock bankruptcy mediation exercise. By drafting pleadings and advocating in a courtroom setting, students will understand the procedural issues unique to federal bankruptcy proceedings and their interplay with the federal rules of civil procedure and the federal rules of evidence, as well as better understand how local bankruptcy rules affect bankruptcy litigation practice.
- Bankruptcy Practice Seminar, JURI 4363, Credit Hours: 2
This seminar covers current topics in bankruptcy law. For almost all class session, a leading practitioner, judge, trustee, journalist, academic, or other leader in the bankruptcy profession will join us (typically via Zoom). Each invitee will be asked "to pick a problem currently on their desk.” This way, the seminar will cover the topics that are currently occupying the attention of professionals in the bankruptcy field. These topics may range from mass tort bankruptcies, to the Texas Two-Step, to eligibility for the relatively new small business reorganization subchapter of bankruptcy, to fiduciary duty lawsuits in bankruptcy, to the inner workings of the US Trustee Program. The coursework will emphasize class discussion and writing.y law.
- Bioethics, JURI 5585, Credit Hours: 3
Examines legal, ethical, and social problems generated by advances in health, medicine and biotechnology. Some of the issues covered include human cloning and stem cell research, gene-based therapies, death and dying, reproductive technologies, experimentation with human subjects, and societal limits on scientific developments.
- Business Immigration Law, JURI 5893, Credit Hours: 2
This is a two credit hour course taught by Teri Simmons addressing the laws, regulations and policies governing the entry of foreign nationals into the United States for business or employment purposes.
- Business Law Clinic, JURI 4216S, 4217S, Credit Hours: 4 (2 hrs graded, 2 hrs pass/fail), Prerequisite:
JURI 4300 plus (either JURI 4000 or JURI 4210) plus any upper-level drafting course
The Business Law Clinic offers students an opportunity to develop essential lawyering skills in a professional, interactive, live-client environment. Supervised students will represent entrepreneurs, small business owners and not for profit organizations that cannot otherwise afford legal services. Services provided will relate to such matters as entity formation, corporate governance, employment and contracts. Students will learn how to interview, counsel, draft and negotiate, and will develop problem-solving, analytical and editorial skills in the context of client projects and reality-grounded class work. In addition to allowing students to learn transactional lawyering skills, the Business Law Clinic will provide clients with quality pro bono legal services, in keeping with the University of Georgia School of Law's commitment to serving the community. Class size will be limited to eight students. The course consists of a seminar and 8-10 hours per week of supervised client projects. Consistent with Law School policy on clinical courses, two credits will be graded and two credits will be pass/fail.
- Business Law Research, JURI 4087, Credit Hours: 2
The course will give students experience in researching a variety of business law topics focusing on primary, secondary and transactional materials. The course will also require students to efficiently and clearly communicate the results of their business law research in multiple practical drafting assignments.
- Business Negotiations, JURI 4211, Credit Hours: 3
This course will focus on negotiations theory, strategy, skills, and style in the context of business transactions as well as business disputes. Students will participate in simulated negotiations and will prepare written assignments and a comprehensive appraisal in lieu of a final exam.
- Business of Lawyering, JURI 5595, Credit Hours: 1
This seminar will involve a practical education about the economics of a private law practice. Designed to prepare students for the realities of the private practice of law, it will address client fees and retention, ethical issues that routinely arise in the attorney-client business relationship, client service and development fundamentals, law firm management and organizational structures, and how junior lawyers can be the most valuable to their law firms, corporate law departments, or agencies. The course will involve various publications on law firm administration, economics, and management as well as other case studies and materials. This course is pass/fail.
- Capital Assistance Project, JURI 5310E, 5311S, Credit Hours: 3
Students work with attorneys at agencies which defend individuals charged with capital offenses. In the classroom component, students will discuss work experiences, examine issues in capital punishment, and evaluate special problems which confront the attorney defending a capital case.
- Capital Punishment, JURI 3840E, Credit Hours: 3
Legal and social issues surrounding capital punishment. Surveys legal issues in areas of criminal law and procedure, constitutional law and ethics which confront attorneys in capital cases. Encourages students to synthesize social and legal facets to objectively evaluate complex issues involved in capital punishment. Limited to rising juniors and seniors, except with the instructor's permission.
- Capital Punishment, JURI 5840, Credit Hours: 3
An in-depth examination of the legal and social issues surrounding capital punishment. Surveys a variety of legal issues in areas of criminal law and procedure, constitutional law and ethics which confront attorneys in capital cases. The course will encourage students to synthesize the social and legal facets to objectively evaluate the complex issues involved in capital punishment.
- Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic (CEASE), JURI 5761S, 5762S, Credit Hours: 3-6
This clinic trains students to represent victims of child sexual assault or exploitation in tort suits filed against their abusers. The clinic also meets for a two-hour seminar each week during which students will be trained on litigation skills, laws governing child sexual abuse cases, and legislation making these lawsuits possible.
- Child Welfare Law and Practice, JURI 5049, Credit Hours: 2
This course provides an overview of the child welfare legal system, dependency law, procedure, and practice. The course is modeled after the National Association of Counsel for Children’s curriculum for best practices in representing children, parents, and state agencies in abuse, neglect, and dependency cases.
Course Objectives:
- To provide an overview of the child welfare legal system.
- To learn relevant federal laws and U.S. Supreme Court cases.
- To learn ethical and professional considerations in representing parties in juvenile court dependency proceedings.
- To understand the various legal parties and their representatives within the system, including children, parents, and state agencies.
- To learn special topics in practice, including due process, immigration, education, and evidentiary issues.
- To learn trial and appellate advocacy skills necessary to practice in the child welfare legal system.
Topics in this course will include, among others:
- An overview of the child welfare legal system
- An overview of child abuse and neglect
- Best practices in child, parent, and state agency representation
- Interviewing and counseling child clients
- Cultural competency in child welfare practice
- Ethics and professionalism in child welfare legal practice
- Trauma-informed lawyering and secondary trauma
- Federal legislation and U.S. Supreme Court cases relevant to child welfare legal practice
- Special evidentiary issues
- System and policy advocacy
Special topics such as immigration, due process, the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), the commercial and sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), and trial and appellate advocacy.
- Child Welfare Mock Trial Simulation Course, JURI 5048 , Credit Hours: 3, Prerequisite:
Either Trial Practice 5040, Moot Court, Mock Trial 5042/5046/5047, CEASE Clinic, OR Evidence 4250
In this course, students will learn about the child welfare legal system, trauma-informed lawyering, and interdisciplinary collaboration through intensive classroom instruction and participation in a mock trial. The mock trial will be part of the Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic Conference. Law students will work with Masters students from the School of Social Work as well as guest lecturers, including judges, attorneys, and licensed social workers. Topics in the course include development of case theory, effective advocacy skills, appropriate professional conduct, and trial preparation, all through a trauma-informed lens. Students will present direct and cross examinations of lay and expert witnesses, opening statements, and closing arguments, and will introduce evidentiary exhibits with appropriate foundation. This course is pass/fail.
- Children and the Law, JURI 4750, Credit Hours: 3
This course will focus on the legal status, rights, and disabilities of children in the American legal system. Initial emphasis will be on the condition of children in America, the development of the juvenile and family courts, and the development of children's constitutional rights in the home, in school, and in public. Significant attention will then be given to issues concerning child welfare, medical treatment, and juvenile delinquency. Other subjects that may be covered include status-based offenses and the representation of children. Grading will be based heavily on class participation in addition to a final examination.
- Christian Perspective on Legal Thought, JURI 4235, Credit Hours: 2
This class will survey the ways that Christians have conceived of the relationship between the church and secular government. We will focus on texts that have profoundly shaped western political theory and practice for the past 2,000 years: the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures; Augustine; Aquinas; and Calvin. Other possible topics of study may include the history and role of canon law; private Christian mediation/arbitration; the role of Christian thought in perpetuating slavery and white supremacy in the United States; the racial reconciliation movement in South Africa; the tension between the call to forgiveness and the requirements of justice; Christian pacifism; and Christian critiques of Enlightenment-inspired "individual rights." Students will have the opportunity to satisfy the "capstone" writing requirements.
- Civil Externship I, JURI 5970S, 5971S, Credit Hours: 4 - 6
The objective of this course, in which various governmental and private organizations will provide placements for student externships, is to engage students in three primary learning experiences: direct exposure to the skills and methods of legal practice; focused application of legal concepts to real conflicts; and reflective appraisal of their own abilities, values, and professional goals. In addition to the field work provided by the externships, a clinic seminar will provide a jurisprudential context in which to consider and organize the learning gained in the field. Register for both 5970S (graded portion) and 5971S (pass/fail portion).