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Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R. West was featured in the Los Angeles Times regarding Ketanji Brown Jackson, a potential nominee for the position of justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. The article titled "Ketanji Jackson is a favorite for Biden's historic Supreme Court pick" was written by David G. Savage and published 2/2/22. The article was republished in other media outlets across the country.


Hosch Professor & Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor Lori A. Ringhand was featured in The Christian Science Monitor regarding the U.S. Supreme Court's jurisprudence patterns. The article titled "Minority report: How justices from Harlan to Breyer shaped legal opinion" was written by Henry Gass and Noah Robertson and was published 1/27/22.

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Clinical Assistant Professor & First Amendment Clinic Director Clare R. Norins was featured in the Georgia Recorder regarding a bill being considered by Georgia lawmakers about free speech zones on college campuses. The article titled "House bill to extend 'free speech' areas campus-wide spurs First Amendment debate" was written by Ross Williams and published 1/27/22. It was republished by Georgia Public Broadcasting and other media outlets.


Hosch Professor & Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor Lori A. Ringhand published "Justice Breyer announced he will retire. Here's what happens next." in The Washington Post on 1/27/22.

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Clinical Assistant Professor & Prosecutorial Justice Program Director Melissa D. Redmon was featured in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding special purpose grand juries. The article titled "Fulton DA requests special grand jury for Trump probe" was written by Tamar Hallerman and published 1/20/22.