jonathan peters

Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured on CTV News (Canada) regarding information leaks at the U.S. Supreme Court. The segment titled "U.S. Abortion Battle Heats Up" aired 5/5/22.

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Regents' Professor of International Law & Woodruff Chair in International Law Diane Marie Amann was featured on Vox regarding her thoughts on future U.S. Supreme Court rulings. The article titled "After Roe: 9 legal experts on what rights the Supreme Court might target next" was written by Sean Illing and published 5/2/22.

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Cleveland Distinguished Chair of Legal Ethics and Professionalism & Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor Lonnie T. Brown Jr. was featured on Law360 regarding a State Bar of Georgia Formal Advisory Opinion that permits attorneys to contact former employees of represented entities without obtaining consent from the entities’ counsel. The article titled "Ga. Justices Modify Attorney Rule On Contacting Ex-Staffers" was written by Rosie Manins and published 5/3/22.

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Callaway Chair of Law Emeritus Ronald L. Carlson was featured on WSB TV regarding what could happen with Georgia's Heartbeat Bill. The segment titled "What a change in abortion laws would mean for Ga's Heartbeat Bill" aired 5/4/22.

jonathan peters

Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured on Quartz regarding information leaks at the U.S. Supreme Court. The article titled "Is the US Supreme Court leak of Roe v. Wade opinion unprecedented?" was written by Scott Nover and published 5/4/22.