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Rogers Chair of Law Emerita Camilla E. Watson was featured on regarding the differences between tax evasion and tax avoidance. The article titled "District Attorney Jason Williams' tax fraud trial begins today. Here's what you need to know." was written by Jillian Kramer and published 7/18/22.

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Interim UGA Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues was featured on Law360 regarding the special purpose acquisition company Pershing Square Tontine Holdings. The article titled "Ackman To Dissolve Massive $4B SPAC, Refund" was written by Tom Zanki and published 7/12/22.

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Interim UGA Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues was featured in a Bloomberg article regarding special purpose acquisition companies. The article titled "Richard Branson Reshapes Fortune with SPACs as Investors Torched" was written by Benjamin Stupples and Tom Maloney and was published 7/11/22. 

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Clinical Assistant Professor & First Amendment Clinic Director Clare R. Norins was featured in the Georgia Recorder regarding the clinic's amicus brief in the Georgia Supreme Court case involving Camden County’s spaceport project. The article titled “Georgia Supreme Court’s spaceport case pits 1st Amendment vs. county home rule” was written by Stanley Dunlap and published 7/6/22.

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Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch was featured in The New York Times regarding a recent U.S. District Court ruling involving opioid drug distributors. The article titled "Judge Clears Distributors of Blame for Opioid Crisis in Hard Hit County" was written by Jan Hoffman and published 7/5/22.