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Dean Peter B. "Bo" Rutledge and second-year student Anna E. Gowen published "The Ninth Circuit - Flexing Its Subpoena Power" in the Daily Report on 8/9/23.

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Associate Dean and Martin Chair of Law Andrea L. Dennis and her book Rap on Trial were featured in an Associated Press article regarding the use of rap lyrics as evidence in criminal trials. The article titled "Hip-hop and justice: Culture carries the spirit of protest, 50 years and counting" was written by Aaron Morrison and published 8/9/23. The article appears in other media outlets including The Washington Post.

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Associate Professor Laura Phillips-Sawyer was featured in The Wall Street Journal regarding Google antitrust litigation. The article titled "Google Search Antitrust Suit Narrowed by Federal Judge Ahead of September Trial" was written by Miles Kruppa and Jan Wolfe and was published 8/4/23.

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Assistant Professor John B. Meixner Jr. was featured in The Christian Science Monitor regarding double-jeopardy concerns relating to federal and state indictments. The article titled "At heart of Jan. 6 case:  Trump's state of mind" was written by Peter Grier, Patrik Jonsson and Henry Gass and was published 8/2/23.

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University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues was featured on Bloomberg Law regarding special purpose acquisition companies and accounting firms. The article titled "Trump-Tied SPAC (DWAC) Hits Another Snag as Auditor Abruptly Resigns" was written by Bailey Lipschultz and Nicola M. White and was published 8/3/23.