Dean Peter B. "Bo" Rutledge and second-year student Emina Herzberger published "Circuit Split Deepened by Second Circuit's 'Functional' Test Application in Recent Section 1782 Ruling" in the Daily Report on 9/1/20.

Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding the Georgia Open Records Act relating to COVID-19 case reporting for public schools. The article titled "Back to School: Disparity in reporting COVID cases and lack of universal reporting" was written by Marlon A. Walker and published 8/20/20.

First Amendment Clinic Director and Clinical Assistant Professor Clare R. Norins was featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding the Stone Mountain Memorial Authority's recent decision restricting assembly. The article titled "Stone Mountain to close gates rather than host Saturday militia rally" was written by Chris Joyner and published 8/14/20.

Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding Georgia's Open Records Act. The article titled "With few details, DeKalb Schools approves contract to ease crowding" was written by Marlon A. Walker and published 8/12/20.

Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R. West was featured in Slate regarding First Amendment protections for students. The article titled "In the Pandemic, Students' Free Speech Rights Are More Important Than Ever" was written by Dahlia Lithwick and published 8/7/20.