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Assistant Professor Thomas E. Kadri was featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding TikTok challenges taking place in schools. The article titled "TikTok trouble: Schools wary of teacher assaults encouraged by social media campaigns" was written by Ty Tagami and published 10/7/21.

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Clinical Assistant Professor & First Amendment Clinic Director Clare R. Norins was featured on Fox 5 Atlanta regarding the Georgia Access to Medical Cannabis Commission's exemption from the state's Open Records Act. The article titled "Critics question why Georgia Access to Medical Cannabis Commission is exempt from Opens Records" was reported by Dale Russell and aireded 10/6/21.

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Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured in USA Today regarding the U.S. Senate hearing related to Facebook content practices and policies. The article titled "Facebook whistleblower fires up Congress: Is this Mark Zuckerberg's moment of reckoning?" was written by Matthew Brown and Jessica Guynn and was published 10/6/21. Versions of this article also appeared on MSN and other media outlets across the country.

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Callaway Chair Elizabeth Chamblee Burch was featured on Bloomberg Law regarding a Bayer AG Roundup trial verdict. The article titled "Bayer Gains as Jury Rejects Roundup Cancer Link in U.S. Trial" was written by Jef Feeley and Joe Schneider and was published 10/6/21. 

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Assistant Professor Lindsey Simon was featured in The Economist regarding the Purdue Pharma bankruptcy settlement. The article titled "How asbestos saved the Sackler family from bankruptcy" was published 9/11/21.