Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:
Clinical Assistant Professor & First Amendment Clinic Director Clare R. Norins was featured in Courthouse News regarding the merits of a lawsuit filed in federal district court challenging a school district's decision to remove books from its school libraries. The article titled "Florida school district faces First Amendment challenge to book bans" was written by Megan Butler and published 5/17/23.
Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R. West was featured in a Reuters article regarding remote access to federal court proceedings. The article titled "Bad timing: Federal courts are poised to backtrack on remote access" was written by Jenna Greene and published 5/18/23.
Regents' Professor of International Law and Woodruff Chair in International Law Diane Marie Amann published “Afterword: A Guide to Mireille Delmas-Marty’s ‘Compass’” in Mireille Delmas Marty, A Compass of Possibilities: Global Governance and Legal Humanisms (Emanuela Fronza and Chiara Giorgetti eds., 1088 Press/University of Bologna, 2023). This essay is part of a new volume featuring an English translation of a 2011 lecture by Mirielle Delmas-Marty (1941-2022), a legal thinker who was a professor at Collège de France in Paris.
University Professor & Kilpatrick Chair of Corporate Finance and Securities Law Usha Rodrigues was featured on Bloomberg Law regarding the effects of a record-breaking SPAC deal. The article titled "Record SPAC Deal Shows Market Weakness, Not Strength" was written by Bailey Lipschultz and published 5/16/23.
Distinguished Research Professor & Shackelford Distinguished Professor in Taxation Law Emeritus Walter Hellerstein presented a paper he co-authored with a member of the Secretariat of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on “Crypto-Assets: Key Concepts and Terms,” at a meeting of OECD’s Working Party No. 9 on Consumption Taxes in Paris, France, during May.