Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:

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Alston Associate Chair in Corporate Law Lindsey Simon was featured in a Bloomberg article regarding corporate bankruptcy failures. The article titled "Repeat Bankruptcies Are Piling Up at Fastest Rate Since 2009" was written by Jeremy Hill and Jonathan Randles and was published 5/10/23. The article was reprinted on Yahoo Finance and Financial Advisor.

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Clinical Associate Professor & Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic Director Emma M. Hetherington presented “Trust-Based Relational Intervention:  An Opportunity for a Trauma-Informed Legal System” and “Improving Outcomes and Responses for Survivors of CSEC in Foster Care” at Georgia’s Child Welfare Law Specialist conference during May.

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The First Amendment Clinic and its director, Clinical Assistant Professor Clare R. Norins, were featured in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding the recent settlement of Hassan v. City of Atlanta, in which the clinic represented plaintiff Sharif Hassan, a photojournalist arrested while covering summer 2020 protests in Atlanta. The lawsuit asserted that Hassan was arrested in retaliation for exercising his First Amendment right to record. The litigation also challenged the City of Atlanta’s city-wide curfew order that contained no exception for the working press. The article titled "Atlanta to pay settlement to photojournalist arrested in 2020" was written by Riley Bunch and published 5/8/23.

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The First Amendment Clinic and its director, Clinical Assistant Professor Clare R. Norins, were featured on Fox 5 Atlanta/Fox News regarding the recent settlement of Hassan v. City of Atlanta, in which the clinic represented plaintiff Sharif Hassan, a photojournalist arrested while covering summer 2020 protests in Atlanta. The lawsuit asserted that Hassan was arrested in retaliation for exercising his First Amendment right to record. The litigation also challenged the City of Atlanta’s city-wide curfew order that contained no exception for the working press. The news items titled "Atlanta pays settlement to photojournalist arrested during George Floyd protests" and "Atlanta agrees to $105K settlement with photojournalist arrested during George Floyd protests in 2020," respectively, were published 5/9/23.

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Distinguished Research Professor & Shackelford Distinguished Professor in Taxation Law Emeritus Walter Hellerstein was featured on Bloomberg Law regarding the practice of worldwide combined tax reporting. The article titled "Litigation Cloud Floats Over Minnesota's Corporate Tax Overhaul" was written by Michael J. Bologna and published 5/5/23.