Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:

Metadata Services & Special Collections Librarian Rachel S. Evans moderated an "IR, Access and Metadata Challenges Roundtable" for the American Association of Law Libraries' Law Repositories Caucus group during July.

Metadata Services & Special Collections Librarian Rachel S. Evans presented "Data, Stats, Go: Navigating the Intersections of Cataloging, E-Resources, and Web Analytics" at the American Association of Law Libraries Annual Conference during July (with W. Moore).

Associate Director for Collection Services Wendy Moore presented "Data, Stats, Go: Navigating the Intersections of Cataloging, E-Resources, and Web Analytics" at the American Association of Law Libraries Annual Conference during July (with R.S. Evans).

Dean Rusk International Law Center Interim Director & Hosch Professor Lori A. Ringhand presented on maintaining Fulbright connections after returning home as part of a United States-United Kingdom Fulbright Commission panel during July.

Metadata Services & Special Collections Librarian Rachel S. Evans organized and moderated the Georgia Library Association Technical Services Interest Group's virtual workshop titled "Customizing the Connexion Client to Work for You." The July workshop was delivered to more than 350 librarians around the globe.